final stage of love

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"Well, as much as I want to stay longer, I have some boyfriend duties and pick up my kitten from work. Bye, Kentarou-kun! Next time we'll go to your uncle Kozume's work, hm?" He said to which Kentarou nodded and smiled widely. "Bye, Uncle Kuroo! Please tell Uncle Kozume I miss him! I love to play with himmm." Kuroo just laughed before leaving Akaashi's home.

He opened his car and heaved a sigh before starting his car.

Well, it's not every day he retells his love story with his best friend but it feels nice to remember what they've been through.

Aside from what he told Kentarou, they've been through more problems along the way — from small, petty things to big, life-changing decisions — yet they always defeat those obstacles, just like what he told Kentarou earlier.

Maybe it's really time to level up if it were like that.

He smiled before driving off to Kenma's favorite fast food before heading to the younger male's building.


Kuroo knocked on the office door before entering and sighed at the sight in front of him. He was kind of expecting this already.

Lights were off and Kenma's computers were the only ones that emit light while Kenma's slumped down on the desk who obviously fell asleep while working. He removed the blazer he's been wearing and hovered it over on Kenma's shoulders.

He opened the lamplight by the table and saw all the instant noodles and canned coffees Kenma been eating and sighed again. Good thing he would be having a week off from his work so he could help and take care of his boyfriend who's been working on a new game. 

He pulled up his sleeves before saving all Kenma's progress in the computer and shut the computers down. He picked up all Kenma's leftovers and cleaned Kenma's desk silently. He suddenly remembered the times he used to do this when they were younger. 

'Old habits die hard eh?' He chuckled at the thought after sanitizing his hand. He looked at Kenma who was still sleeping silently with his blazer on the younger's shoulder and smiled at the sight.

He crouched down a little and brushed Kenma's silky slightly bleached hair. A small smile made way on his lips as he saw Kenma's sleeping face who's clearly sleep-deprived.

He played with Kenma's strands as he stared longer at Kenma's face. Nothing has changed but for him, Kenma became more beautiful in his eyes as time goes by.

Just the thought of Kenma makes him warm and soft inside, he still could. Up to this day, he couldn't imagine Kenma was his and how lucky he was to fall in love with his best friend.

He continued staring and brushing the younger male's hair until Kenma fluttered his eyes open slowly before speaking softly. "Kuro?"

Said man hummed in response after leaving a kiss on Kenma's nose. "You hungry? Bought you your favorite sushi and apple pie." Kuroo asked. Kenma just gave a small tired smile before giving a small nod.

"Thanks, Kuro." Kenma said softly as they started eating. He just grinned before asking Kenma how his day went. Even if he just has a little knowledge about coding, he could listen to Kenma talking and ranting about it for the whole day and he would never get tired of the younger male's voice. 

"Hey, Kitten?" Kuroo called as they walked out of the building. Kenma just hummed in response and looked at the black-haired male. "You're almost finished with your new game, right?" Kenma just nodded.  

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