Naoyuki Kakyoin

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Name: Naoyuki Joukin Kakyoin-Kujo
-he usally drops the Kujo

-Nao (only his parents)
-JoYo (his brother)
-Yuki-kun/Yuki (probs by friends)

Age: 25
Parents: Jotaro Kujo & Noriaki Kakyoin

Nationality: American - Japansese
Gender|Pronouns: he/him | cis-male
Sexuality: Panromanitc\sexual

Alignment: Neutral Good
> Naoyuki tends to stay out of shit of it doesn't involve him, but he does know when to step in and do what is right.

Love Intrest: Yes! If anybody can love this rough-aroudn the edged boi...

Year: Fifth

-Major: Criminal Justice (going for a phd!)
-Minor: Psychology

>Jotaro dislikes the fact that Naoyuki is going down the same path as Kakyoin, wanting to become a detective (aiming for FBI). Kakyoin couldn't be prouder.

-Literature Club (if that's a thing)

Height & Weight:
177 cm (5'10") and 81 kilograms

Noayuki has shoulder length, curly red-hair that is of a darker shade. He doesn't really style his hair - expect for two prominent curls on the right side of his face. He has bright-blue eyes that are always shadowy/dark looking simply due to his moody expressions. His face is sharp and he is rather handsome looking - due to him inheriting his fathers good-looks. He is a rather curvy though for a man - almost feminely so. He has a long slender nose, and short stocky little eyelashes. His most notable traits is his hair due to its color and texture (its super soft and cruly). He has light colored lips, that are shaped rather thin and he has a strongly wide mouth.

Physique: While he isn't anywhere near body-builder amounts of muscle, Naoyuki is in a excellent shape for onto of his boxing hobby he does workout regularly. He has well proptioned muscles all around his body, because he likes to make sure he doesn't just work out one part of him. While he's not eight-pack material, he has a six-pack and a stellar-lean build.

Scars/tattoos/piercings: He has three piercings in each ear, right in/around the lobe so nothing too crazy. One of them a stud, and the other two are golden hoops. Naoyuki has no tattoos, and as for scars he has various ones everywhere. This is due to his rough nature and, well, boxing does some damage. There isn't anything extremely noticeable though, most of the scars are small insinfigent nothings. Oh! And of course, the star-birthmark :)

Naoyuki wears bright/pastel colors. Usally, he'll be seen with a long, dark purple scarf on - spotted with white. He wears a pastel purple uniform coat that has a darkned inside. He wears three studded belts around his waist, all of them a different color (their color varies on the day) and a gold chain ending ina fish-hook on one of them.. Undneath, there will always be a t-shirt of some kind of color, and his tight-pants will be tucked into bright red-pink boots, with blue accents. He is usally every seen without his cost and scarf, though, the shirt and pants vary. He sometimes wears slacks. The only item of clothing thag ever changes, it the brass bracelets around his wrists, which have a bright red stone set into them.

>Night Out: Literally what he wears everyday. Unless, forced to change. Then, Naoyuki will wear a bright ass colored suit. The whole shebang, from the tie to the jacket. Often he'll also slick back his hair when forced to dress nice and go out.

>Sleeping: Naoyuri simply sleeps in his boxers, if he remembers to get out of his clothes that is. Often he'll be found sleeping in his clothes cause he passed out the moment he hit the bed.

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