Amelia Pendleton

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twins101 here is the second child! The third soon to come :)

Name: Amelia Hilda Pendleton
Nickname: Amy (everyone)

Age: 20
Parents | Ansestory: (descendant) Erina Pendleton
> a descendant of one of her siblings

Nationalality: British

Gender | Pronouns: she/her - they/them is a demi-girl

Sexuality: Asexual | Aromatic

Alignment: Lawful Good
> They will and have always, stepped in to do the right thing. Even if it means risking their own lives.

Love Interest: Nope, but she's up for making friends!

Year: First

- Major: Archeology

-Wrestling (👀)
- Literature Club

Height & Wieght:
160 cm (5'2") | 85 kg (187 pounds)

Short-pixie cut, fluffy blonde hair. She is really pale, like almost paper-white (gives them a sickly look most of the time). They have a very round face, that looks extremely friendly and inviting. She has large-doe like eyes, that are a deep brown (most of the time looking black), and they almost have a creepy look to them because of how wide they are. They constantly look like they're staring at someone or something. Has long, pretty eyelashes and sorta thick brows. A very small and cute nose. Super plush and red lips.

Amelia, is thick. Not only is she build like a truck with forearms ect. the size of some guy's heads - but, she has curves on her too. In all respects, she is a plump girl. They adore their body-type though and are glad it helps distract people from the fact that they're rather flat uptop.

Being a proper asitrocrat, Amelia lacks any pricing or tattoos. Scars however can be found all over their body from fighting, and various other injuries she has occurred over the years from her hammon training .

Amelia mostly dresses feminely. She usually, wears short-skirts with stocking underneath. They wear a flower-patterned short-sleeved blouse over their torso, and always have this small brown-backpack thingy with them. She wears dress shoes and always has long gloves to cover her hands. As for the colors, it is always nude/white and even black, they don't really enjoy bright flashy colors that much. Or colors in general.

>Night Out: They will be the first person, to put on a dress and heels when going out.

>Sleeping: A night gown, like every normal person should.

Main Traits: polite, unhandedly sassy, optimistic and loyal

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Main Traits: polite, unhandedly sassy, optimistic and loyal


- Amelia, is so very polite. They're prim-proper giving everyone a smile and happy greetings when they meet or see each other. She tends to be polite even to those who are rude to her, smiling at them and blinking slowly with her doe-eyes. Though, she has this undhanded sassiness. Often she'll say back-handed compliments to people she doesn't like - because they don't have the heart in them to be rude to anyone. Not even the worst kind of person. Instead she'll give them this disappointment look and probably shake her head before beating thier ass.

-While she isn't inherently violent, she is willing to start a fight and rough someone up if need be. If she deems fighting unessary than she will avoid it at all costs. Its a different story when a friend of their's is in danger. They will then - jump in without hesitation. Her fierce loyalty often makes her reckless when in battle and highly vulnerable to taking bait. Not only this but her raging optimisism is something to behold when in battle, Amelia can be impaled and still smile like she is going to win. They always bring light and fun to any kind of situation a person who sees the glass as always half-full, and ready to have some more poured into it.

- There honestly, isn't much to say about Amelia. They're a rather straight-forward character without many contradictions to their morals ect. This is because Amelia, is honestly, a bit on the slower side of things. In all honesty: a big ol' dumbass but in the best of ways.

Mental Health:
- A good ol' happy child.
>She takes care of herself extremely well and deals with her negative emotions positively and well.

Physical Health:
- Absolutely nothing wrong! In top physical condition.
>Again, Amelia is an all around good person to themself and others.

Amelia grew up in a very old-fashioned household in Britain. While she spent her days in bliss and happiness mostly, Amelia carried a secret with her for as long as she could remember - and those were her "glittery powers" which she would later learn, was Hammon. Nobody in her family really knows how or why she can use this strange seemingly dead fighting technique.

When she turned thirteen, a strange woman approached her - and that's when she learned what her power were. This woman would be her mentor and teach her the ways of the ripple.

Don't worry, Mrs.Teacher didn't die or anything. Amelia simply completed her hammon training (recently) and is now waiting for her destiny to come calling.

Regular old yellow-glowy hammon.

Age Developed: Eight (first time she "properly" used it)

Weapons | Fighting Style: Amelia, uses their body mostly, while they will punch and kick - she is a notorious wrestler. She will tackle her opponent to the ground and send hammon throughout her entire body and into theirs. She has a killer head-lock. If need be, she carries silk-reinforced ribbons in her backpack which she will use as whips mostly.

books, history, plants, cute-things, coffee and dogs

assholes, bright colors, rock music, and baking

Personal Goal:
- To find an apprentice to pass on the ways of Hammon too
- To discover the origins of hammon users and vampires (and their history)

Common Sayings | Body Language:

- [thick british accent insert here]

-"Oh, dear! That was quite the tussle."
>after every fight basically

- [opens up arms] "C'mere."
>sees child in distress and needs to help

-[causally pats head]
> proud parent-friend

- [squeals and twirls]
> e x c i t e d

- [furrows brows and stomps foot]
> a n g e r

- "Bloody hell!"
>closest thing they get to cussing

- [cracks knuckles and smiles cutely]
>i think someone might die

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