Nile Stone

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He's fierce, he's queer and even more depressed.

Nile Stone, is a cold man who has a very, short fuse. You don't want to be on his bad side. Despite his relatively good looks, he isn't a very good person - or so, he claims he isn't. After you get past all of his walls, you'll find a fiercely loyal and rather compassionate guy - but, usally, only if you're his nearest and dearest companion. Nile makes for a great ally, but an even greater foe.
Name:  Nile Quince Stone

-Dr.Stoner (please, don't call him this. He hates it.)
- Rocky (a pun in his last name. only special people can call him this)

Title: Dr. Stone
   - P.H.D in psychology & criminal justice

35 years old

Gender: cis-male
Pronouns: he/him

Height: 182 cm (6 feet)
Weight: 112 kg (246 lbs)

Teacher or Student:
Teacher | English
- grades teaching: 9th & 10th
(those poor freshmen and sophomores)


(meaning: no women, wow)
(which includes trans-women because he believes they are women, as he should)
(will date non-binarys that were born women however)

Appearance:  Nile is kinda attractive with his square-jawline, narrow brown eyes and his flashy, pink hair. His hair goes down to the base of his shoulders when down, but it is usally worn up in a messy bun. He is strangely, really built for an English teacher at a highschool, and could probably play football if he wanted to. He is also, rather tall which only adds to his strange looks: its like an athlete had a mid-life crisis and became a teacher.

Scars: He is covered in scars, though, there are none upon his face or anywhere else that is easily visible, unless you catch him in a short-sleeved shirt. None if his scars are all that more prominent than others all fo them about the same around his body. Most notable, would be the bullet-wounds that have healed.
Freckles: none
Tattoos: none

Clothing style: Think, very - very professional with a hint of color. He wears a full suit assemble most of the time, but the color of the suit varies day to day. From classic black to strange things like orange or pink, like his hair. He will also wear, for more casual outings, a nice button down slacks and a trenchcoat. At home is when you'd catch Nile wearing  anything short, that shows off more than just his hands and feet.

Accessories: Nile doesn't wear much when it comes to jewelry or anything like that, unless his fun-weird patterned ties count. Also; his ears are pierced, a single hole in each ear. He wears studs to big dramatic hoops. Depending on the day.

Physcial Health: Peak condition. He may be almsot 40, but he workout, eats well and all in all, keeps his body in good shape. Despite his addiction to work, he does let his injuries fully heal.

Main Triats:
- cold | harsh
- quick-witted | quick to anger
- intimidating | secretly a softie
-  uses jaskassery to cover insecurities

One the outside: Nile is the classic-sterotypical asshole. He's cold and doesn't really spare people's feelings - or spare them from the truth. This of course makes him come off rude and blunt, which he is. He doesn't belive in sugar-coating. Which is why, to his students he's one if the toughest and maybe, scariest teachers in the school. Nile doesn't take any bullshit. You either do your work well and pass the class, or you don't.

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