A Fight and a Thought

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Chapter 7

            Traveling had tired Gil and he did not rise early the next morning.

            Ludwig was fuming in anger at this, and stormed into the room, screaming.


            Gilbert startled, jumped and fell onto the floor tangled in his sheet. Ludwig glared at him with cold and hard eyes, eyes of a madman, and killer.

            “Oi Luddy chill out! I’ll get ready!”

            Ludwig gave him another sharp glare before leaving.

            Gil sighed, and rose, throwing the sheet and the bed and dressing in his uniform, ignoring the nagging in the back of his mind.

            Sure he may have yelled…but…it’s just stress. And he’s probably just tired….and…

            Gilbert cut his train of thought off and hurried down the stairs.

            Ludwig stood at the door, and grabbed Gil by the arm roughly, dragging him out the door.

            Well…I don’t really need breakfast anyway…. He thought

            Ludwig then without a word threw him at the car and got in his side. Gilbert hips smashed into the hood, and he hissed in pain before getting into the cold seat.

            Again without a word Ludwig drove off, but this ride was longer and much more terrible than just going to the government buildings.

            They were driving up to the front.

            “My men stay in the city. You and I go to the lines, fix the issue. Some men are getting to free-spirited. We will be hard. We will be cold. Our orders are law. Our law is all. If its disobeyed, there will be punishment. So, hope you’ve brought a whip and heavy hand brother, we will make fools blood pour.” Said Ludwig, who then laughed coldly, and creepily, his laugh that of a man who’s gone insane, and lusts for blood.

            Gilbert froze in his seat, alarmed by his brothers tone and words. He looked over at him, and tried to see a smile on Ludwig’s face, to show he was joking.

            A smile he did see… but not a good one.

            Ludwig’s crazed and hard eyes were studying the road, his hands in their black gloves on the steering wheel. And a sadistic cruel and very serious smile on his twisted lips.

            He…must be joking…Or…tired…? He…couldn’t have meant that…

            Gilbert again chased away his thoughts and looked at the rolling hillside for the next few hours, as they drove in a cold, awkward, wrong silence.

            Cold hearts, cold eyes, cold skies, and cold minds. Cold bones and cold guns. Cold…had seeped into all Gilbert knew. His home, and his brother…he silently prayed just a warm summer sun would fix the cold…chase it away…

            When the two reached the war zone, it was near dusk, and a field general walked up to the car, which had stopped at a checkpoint.

            “Ah General! We have long awaited you!”

            Ludwig stared at him, and the man noticeably squirmed under the gaze.

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