Opposite Ends

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Please enjoy the chapter

Chapter 12

He stared at him for a long moment. "What about?"

Strauffenburg took a deep breath and looked him in the eye. "First, I pose a question to you. Are you loyal?"

Gil stared a bit surprised "Oh course I'm loyal! I've been a soldier nearly all my life! My country is everything to me."

He smiled kindly and his one eye shone bright "Then we have much in common. I, I am a German, not, a Nazi. Now, at this moment, I am fighting for Germany. The country I love. I am not here fighting for Hitler, a man I do so very much hate. My loyalty, is not to him, but to my land. And I plan to save my land, the reputation of my land. Or die trying to."

....In about twenty seconds he has earned my respect....

"....How do you plan to do this?"

"I have a plan: Valkyrie. We kill Hitler, and take control of the government, then we end the war and sign a treaty with the Allies.[1]"

He nodded "Who takes over?"

"Other officers and friends who are loyal, same as me."

"They hold power to be able to do this? What of a rebellion?"

"Our plan is to kill Hitler, his close people, and rule for only a short moment, just enough to end this war...should trouble arise, we do combat it...but if it is not in our favor, and we are killed...so be it. I would rather die for my Germany, than live another day serving Hitler's."

...I am loyal to my brother...he is my family...but I am loyal to the right causes, and I'm sure as hell not loyal to Hitler... Maybe, if we succeed, Luddy will see the wrong...

"Mr. Bielschdmit... do you aid my cause?"

Gil extended his hand "Oi, count me in as a friend and loyal man."

Strauffenburg grinned "I am glad to hear this, may I ask your name?"


He nodded, still smiling "I'm Claus, now, I must be off but please, come to this location later, there is a meeting." He said quickly, handing him a piece of paper before rushing off, opening then closing the door behind him.

Gil tucked the paper into his pocket. "I guess I'm a rebel...and an anarchist now. Oh wait, let's add traitor to that as well..."

Meanwhile, outside the building, Strauffenburg shuffled past a lanky, sneering man, with a eye patch as well, and a cigarette in his mouth. They made no note of the other, and went their ways. Once alone in the wall, he pulled the picture from his pocket, and looked at it again.

"Gilbert eh... pale freak." He muttered to himself, studying the picture. He flipped it over to look at Ludwig's writing on the back. "Office down this hall..."

He put the picture away and walked down the hall, knocking open the door roughly, and shutting it behind him.

Gil wheeled about, startled "What the-"

"Save your breath, don't wanna hear you talk 'nyway." Dirk sneered

Gil's hand when for his gun but Dirk simply chuckled, already holding out his, aiming it at Gil's head.

"If I was you...I wouldn't do that, ye pale dog."

Gilbert stood firmly, dropping his hand. "Fine, I won't try anything. Relax, lower your gun."

"No, I have orders for your death." He replied, drawling boredly

"You cannot kill an SS officer..."

"I can when I got orders from your General."

Gil faltered but thought fast "My brother is General Bielschdmit, you best not kill me, I think it'd be your head then..."

"No, still yours, my orders come from him directly."

Those words hit Gil harder than any bullet ever could.

My brother...ordered...my...death...

He almost couldn't comprehend that. Almost.

Gilbert sighed, and leaned against the desk. "So you're a Nazi hm? Great, go and kill me." He said, studying the man before him.

Dirk snarled "I'm no Nazi, I'm better than that! I'm a damn Prussian! I from the Prussian sharpshooters that got shipped over here!"

Gilbert blinked "...Is your last name by chance Schmitzel? Dirk Schmitzel?"

Now it was his turn to falter "Y-yeah? What's that to you!"

"I gave you your position. Your family has always been in the officer rank, you weren't and I mad you so... Eyes sharp, fingers light."

Dirk lowered his gun. "Then...my loyalty must be to you...Sir."

Gilbert looked at him sternly "You did not recognize the name?"

"No...I didn't..."

"You fool..." Gil muttered

Dirk looked away, if he killed Gil, he would be turning his heart against not only his homeland, but a man who had helped him, and had been nothing but kind to him...He couldn't. He simply would not pull the trigger. He would report back to Ludwig. He would die...he would die doing the right.

"Yes, a fool I am. But, don't think anything of this... I will go now." And with that, he hurried off.

Gilbert sighed, and sat in the chair behind the desk "This day serious sucks..."

He took the paper from Claus from his pocket and read it.

Schmitt Autohaus, back door, 20:00[2]

After a moment of quiet, he rose, and slipped out the building. He had no plans, besides for the meeting later, so he did what he had done in his youth when he was troubled. Take a walk in the woods, where no men live, and where no judgment is passed.

Night had fallen by the time Dirk returned to camp, and he boldly strode into Ludwig's tent, which has lit.

"Hey, I'm back." He said, flicking the cigarette

Ludwig scowled "Is he dead?"

"Nope." Dirk said with a shrug

Ludwig grew anger, and picked him up by the collar of his shirt and bellowed "WHY NOT?!"

Calm as ever, he replied, the smoke falling from his mouth to the ground. "Because he is a good man, a loyal man, and does not deserve to die. You do." He said, spitting in his face.

Ludwig threw him to the ground, and kicked him repeatedly, brutally, until he lay in a broken bleeding heap.

The, drawing his Luger, he dragged him outside, and out him on his knees.

"Any final word, you cowardly traitorous rat?" he snarled

And in a clean, strong, ever defiant voice, he said, as his blood soaked the ground, and his body screamed in pain

"Curse Hitler, curse Nazi Germany, and curse the Third Reich!"

Ludwig fired, three shots, right into his head, and then stalked away, leaving the body where it lay.

In the sky, a black eagle cried out, a lonely, sharp caw. The cry of the oppressed. The cry, of uprising.

If you haven't noticed the dates are actually accurate in the story, mainly just the events, just saying.

So I'll update sometime soon, thanks for reading, and remember, I seriously love comments ! So please, feel free to leave one! There's only about 3 or 4 chapters left I thinking...so take the opportunity eh?

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