Chapter 20: The scary ending

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I am so sorry for not updating for like a month, I had the biggest brain fart in the history of this book.


        So after Sarafine goes and charms my house we all sit in an awkward silence. Emily looks at her watch and sees the time and jumps up and pulls Luke to his feet. "Okay so it is like midnight, we have to go," and they just run out. Gabby, Michael, Taylor, and Calum follow out behind them. Ashton and I get up and hug and he leaves, all this information is hard for everyone to handle, and staying quiet is a good thing to do. I climb into bed and fall asleep, I have nightmares, all night long.

        I'm awaken by a hand covering my mouth. I open my eyes and see Kade standing over me, "Hey Sky, how are you?"  I try to swing my arm to punch him in the throat, but my arm won't move. I look over to my side and see Candy holding a syringe, well she is a big old bitch. 

        She walks closer to me, "Hey Sky, miss me, you're not going to be able to move for a while, sorry hon." Kade removes his hand and I can't even move my mouth, gosh I hate people. Kade turns and nods at someone, I look over and see a huge man walk over to me, and pick me up like a rag doll. They carry my limp body over to this truck, after they set me in a seat, Candy stabs another needle into my arm, and I start to fall asleep. God I hate this. 

        I awake again to Kade standing in front of me, he steps closer to me and runs his hand down my cheek, I move my face away form him. Then I realize that I am back in my body, well this is good I guess. Kade sits down and starts talking, "So Sky, I have contacted your friends to meet us here, I thought that we would speed this up, I have things to do today." Just as he said that, the door opens and all my friends walk in with two big guys with guns escorting them in. 

        They try to run over to me but the big dude stop them. Kade stands, "Hello everyone, thanks for coming," he motions the big guys away, "I'm sorry for Rick, and Spade, they can be so scary sometimes, let's all have a seat." He motions for everyone to sit at this big round table, and walks over to me and gives me a shot of something yet again, and a second later I can move again. 

        We all sit around this table and Kade gets right down to business, "So glad you are all here, I wanted to move this along, I have to take Sky, for important business reasons, and I wanted to see if you all wanted to come along for this ride. This would be the only safe option for you."

        "Okay hold up a second, what are you talking about, why wouldn't we be safe?"  Ashton says as he scoots his chair closer to mine and grabs my hand under the table. 

        Kade laughs, "Oh I suppose you don't know what I'm talking about. Well, there will be a war among the devils and angels, and I need Sky as an asset. To win this I need you all on my side." 

        "Whoa are you fucking stupid, why would we help you, you're an asshole. We are taking Sky with us, try and stop us and I will punch you in the throat and rip out your eyes!" Gabby yells as she grabs Michael's hand and mine and stands up. 

        "Ya, we are not letting you take our girl, if you try and take her I will rip off your arm, shove it up your ass, rip off the other arm and shove that drown your throat, so you can high five yourself!" Taylor yells as Calum and her stand up also.

        "And because I can't rip arms off, I will throw pocket sand in your eye, and put a tiny needle in your pants!" Emily yells and Luke and her run after Taylor. Gabby still has my hand, so I quickly grab Ashton's hand and we all run out of the room. We hear Kade yell something, then suddenly there is an alarm blaring. 

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