Chapter 18: Big, dusty, old ass book

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A/N: okay so most of this will be in Ashton's POV and Sky's soul's POV. 


Sky Soul's POV

        I felt really weird, like I was trapped in plastic. Everything was blurry and muffled and every time I tried to talk to someone, they couldn't see me. This is strange. Am I dead?

        I start walking down the school hallway, I don't remember how I got here, I try to get people's attention but they can't see me. While I'm walking I see myself walking with Kade. The Hell? I run up to myself and I can see that I look very happy. I can see this weird light shinning off my body and my eyes are sparkling. I look over at Kade and his body is giving a red light. I turn around and start to look for my friends, I find them further down the hallway.  I walk up and I can see a blue light coming off Ashton, he turns just as I get to them. He jumps back, whoa did he see me?

Ashton's POV

        As I was talking to the guys and gals, I saw a very blurry figure walk towards us, it looked like Sky. When the figure got closer, I could see that it was Sky. What? I jump back because I can also see Sky over holding onto Kane. I think I'm going to have a panic attack. I tell the guys that I have to go and run out the door and into my car and just sit there. I'm startled by Sky sitting next to me, it was almost like she just appeared there. I take a few breaths before I start talking, "Ah Sky is that you?"

        She looks startled, almost like she didn't think I could see her. "Ash, you can see me?" I nod. "I don't know what is happening, I feel weird, and I can see me standing by Kade. But that is not me, I don't know what is happening, please help." She reaches her hand out and it goes right through me. I try and remain calm, for her sake. 

        I turn and face my whole body towards her, "I don't know what is happening either, the you inside acts really different. I think Kade has something to do with it. It all started after your date with Kade. When I walked into the club he took you to, you looked really weird."

        "Wait, what club, I don't remember a club?" She looks terrifying.

        "Kade took you to a club, on your date." She sits there for a minute before responding. 

        "Am I dead?" 

        "I don't think so." I am very confused right now, this thing with Sky doesn't make sense. "Come on, we are going to my house and figuring this out." I pull out of the school parking lot, we drive in silence until we make it to my house. When we get their, Sky just disappears and when I walk into my room she is sitting on my bed. "That was weird, how can you do that?"

        She shrugs, "I really don't know, it just happens." We are interrupted by a knock on the door, I go and open it and it's the whole group. Gabby walks over and sits on my bed. I don't think see can see Sky sitting right next to her. 

        "Now Ashton Fletcher Irwin, you will tell me why you left school early and why you were talking to yourself?" She crosses her arms and Michael comes and pats my shoulder.

        "I would listen to her dude, she can be scary."

        Taylor walks in and almost sits on Sky, I quickly grab her before she sits down. "What the hell dude, I was gonna sit down. And if you don't drop my arm I will punch you." I drop her arm and look at Sky.

        "Sky you gotta show yourself to them." She starts to concentrate and then she starts to glow and then Emily and Luke gasp, Gabby and Michael swear and Taylor and Calum high five. "Can you guys all see her?" Everyone nods. "Good we have to figure out what is going on. Sky is here with us, but her body is with Kade. I think it all started when Sky went on her date with Kade." 

        "Hmmmm interesting, very interesting." Emily says as she starts to circle Sky. "I think I know what this is." She announces proudly.

        "Well, are you gonna spit it out?" Taylor asks.

        "Okay so did Kade's eyes glow at all?" I nod, "Okay so we are dealing with a legend." She makes us all sit in a cirlce on the floor while she tells this legend. "Okay so I think Sky is an angel,  and I think Kade is a fallen angel, I don't know which one though. And because I feel like you don't know what I am talking about I will explain. Okay so fallen angles are exactly what their names are, they are angles that fell. They also always cause sn and destroy everything, thats what I think Kade is." We all stare at her, "What, I'm just guessing here."

        "Well how did you suddenly get with all this legend talk?" Taylor has to be Mrs. Bad Cop all the time. 

        "I have like no life Tayor, and I like to read."

        "Well whatever, it doesn't matter. The only thing that does matter is how do we stop all of this." Gabby motions at the very blurry Sky. 

        Emily doesn't even wait a second before responding. "Well we could either kill Kade or something else but I don't know what it means, it was something about a book and like weird voodoo stuff." Sky suddenly gets up and fazes out and returns seconds latter with a big, dusty book. "Well I think this is the book." We all get really close so we can all read the book. "Let's figure out how to get are ladybug back." And Emily starts to flip through the book.

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