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A/N- Hi guys so I know it's been a while , but right now I'm kind of jumping around with my writing. With that be said check out some of my books while you enjoy!

POV Jackson

After a while we stopped making out. I held Leon in my arms and smiled to myself. Leon was purring and I'm sure he was unaware of it. I never wanted him to be miserable; it was painful to watch.

I saw my sister in her wolf form coming to us followed by Leon's brothers. FUCK! They shifted back to their human forms. Leon was still out cold. "He's sleeping." I whispered. Leon's brothers and my sister's eyes dropped to Leon's face that was tear stained. Their looks of anger change to remorse.

"He's been through a lot. You three not telling him the truth made him feel like his lifes was a lie. I know I should have called or texted. I was just worried about Napoleon. So just don't worry and let him process this first." I state and our siblings nod then leave.

I focus on my sleeping boyfriend once again. I feel terrible that I feel so lost right now. I just want to help him. 'MATE.' I hear a voice I've never heard before shout it in my head. 'Who are you?' I ask back in my head. 'You're wolf , and Napoleon is our mate.' It states.

'I thought inner wolves were gone?' I say back. 'No, but we only appear once we find our mate.' The wolf explains. 'Soulmates are still a thing, and Napoleon is ours?' I ask and the wolf nods in my head. I'm not sure how I knew he was nodding, but he did.

'Do you have a name?' I ask. 'Angel.' Angel tells me. 'Now I need to tell you about wolves. I'm sure not many know, but males mates can carry children or pups, but that only happens on the full moon.' Angel explains.


I was still in shock with the fact I had a mate, an inner wolf, and the fact we could have kids together. 'Our mate will most likely carry our pups, but we can too. I know many of our teachings have been lost over the years. I'll try my best to be patient with you and our mate.' Angel kept going on about things even my parents probably never knew.


I was still focused on my mate... on Leon as he spelt in my arms. He was purring louder and nuzzling deep into my chest. Then a sweet smell hit my nose. It was as if everything I loved was that one scent.

'Our mate's in heat.' Angels' voices echoed in my head. 'What do you mean he's in heat?' I questioned. 'Our mate needs to breed with us to take away his pain. I forgot to mention that when a male goes into heat they can get pregnant.' Angel was acting a little shy. I guess about forgetting to tell me.

'What happens if we don't breed?' I need to know if it would harm or maybe kill Leon if we did not. 'Our mate will be in pain for at least a week two and a half tops.' Angel informed me. 'How bad?' I asked with worry lacing my thoughts.

'I would not wish that pain on our worst enemy.' Angel elaborated. I gulped at the thought of putting Leon through any of this. He just learned what he's a few days ago now he's in heat. With the only way to relieve that pain will most likely end with him getting pregnant. I'm snapped out of my thoughts when I hear whimpers and whines coming from my arms.

"Jack-Jackson what's happening? Why d-does it hurt?" Leon begged. "I don't know how to tell you this so I'll just say it. You're in heat and the pain will only get worse if we don't mate." I explained almost choking on my words. "Jack w-what are y-you not t-telling me?" Leon's voice was strained as he looked up at me with pleading eyes.

"You can get pregnant." I told him and saw his eyes widen. "How is that even possible?" Leon asked with a straight forward voice iroging the pain I knew he was feeling. "I don't know myself." I admitted.


After a few minutes of shock Leon snaps out of it and is consumed by pain again. Napoleon whimpers and whines were heartbreaking to hear and see. I held him closer trying to calm him. I was not going to make a move to do anything else without his consent.


'Make it stop please! Just MATE with OUR MATE ALREADY!' I heard whining in my head and I guess it was my wolf. I wanted this pain to stop. I don't know if I could handle getting pregnant. FORGET just learning that I am a werewolf . The fact that I CAN GET PREGNANT was a whole other deal.

"J-Jack Jackson i-it hurts." I whimpered out. "I know baby, tell me what you want me to do and I'll do it." Jackson pleaded with me. I knew what I NEEDED and it was him. "J-just make it s-stop, please." I whimper out once more.

"Leon are you sure? You know what will most likely happen? Are you ready for that?" Jackson's words only showed how much he cherishes me. Was really ready to be a mom/dad? No, but I knew Jackson would never leave me. Jackson would be at my beck and call when I would need him. So no I wasn't ready, but this pain was much worse than my fears. I knew I wanted Jackson to take me to somewhere far away and hide me, that he would.

"Please!" I begged, and Jackson complied. I felt his love through every touch and word he spoke. My heat stopped once we were knotted together. It was clear that I would be pregnant after the knotting ended.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2020 ⏰

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