chapter six

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ATTENTION: This chapter suggests the ideas of smut but I'm doing my best not to be graphic so my story doesn't get taken down! Either way, if it makes you uncomfortable, tread lightly.

I was sitting in a courtyard at school by myself, waiting for Cedric. I hate to admit it but the longer I dated him, the less fun it was to mess with Fred.

Plus, since being announced the Hogwarts champion, Cedric has been pretty busy. We haven't even been going out that long and I was already bored.

McGonagall announced something about the Yule Ball and now people all around were freaking out about who they would go with. Cedric and I haven't talked about it. We haven't really had the time. I'm just dreading the moment I hear about Fred asking someone else.

Someone interrupted my thoughts by shouting my name and when I turned my head, I saw Draco Malfoy coming my way.

"Oh God, what do you want Malfoy?" I sigh and he smirks as he gets closer, walking with Crabbe and Goyle.

"Where's that boyfriend of yours, Diggory?" he asks and I roll my eyes.

"How should I know?"

Draco looks down at me with a smug smile, "Has he asked you to the ball yet?"

I groan and shake my head, "No, he hasn't. What's it to you?"

I look down at my hands and he slides next to me on the bench, draping his arm around me and I take a deep breath.

"How would you like to come with me?"

I burst out laughing, "Are you mental? You? Why would I ever go with you?"

Draco stands up, clearly offended by my laughter, "Well I-"

"You make fun of my friends, you make fun of my brother, you're an absolute ass! Not to mention the history between your family and mine! I would never want to go on any sort of date with you!" I continue to laugh and Draco's anger rises to his face.

"Should've known you'd be just as idiotic as those bloody muggle lovers!" Draco exclaims and storms away.

"Piss off!" I yell after him and I can hear laughter coming closer from the other side of me.

I turn and see Cedric, trotting over to me, a look of surprise on his face as he looks after Draco walking away.

"What was that all about?" Cedric asks, sitting beside me.

I sigh, "Oh nothing, just stupid Malfoy thinking he's the greatest wizard there is."

Cedric chuckles at my response and I look at him, "How's it going Hogwarts champion?"

Cedric looks at me and he takes a deep breath, "Actually Madeline, I need to talk to you."

"Okay," I can see Cedric is looking a bit worried and he no longer looks me in my face.

"I'm really sorry about this Madeline, but I think we shouldn't date anymore."

I could've seen this coming.

I smile a closed-mouth smile and slowly nod, "Cedric, it's totally okay. I understand. You're busy! We haven't really spent much time together lately." I sigh and he puts his hand over my hand.

"Yeah, you're a wonderful person though! I don't want there to be any confusion about that!" He squeezes my hand and I smile at him.

"You're wonderful too, but it's probably best that we remain no more than friends. My head has been in distant places lately." I sigh.

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