or so i was taught

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boys don't cry, or so i was taught. my parents always used to tell me that i can't cry, because i'm a boy. and so i never cried.

my parents used to tell me lots of things that, i now know, are absolute nonsense.

boys don't wear dresses, boys don't wear makeup, boys don't have long hair and so on and on.

i'm in my second year of college now and, surprisingly, i have long hair. my parents didn't approve of that when they first saw me with long hair. my mother tried to cut it in my sleep, which i found disgusting.

"hyunjin, stop daydreaming and pay attention to me," my friend, jisung, said as he slightly hit my upper arm and laughed. i just looked at him confused and he just shook his head, "i asked if you wanted to go out tonight?"

i thought for a bit. jisung always wanted to go drinking when he said those words. i mean, i don't mind drinking, but drunk jisung is just hell. he's always flirting with random guys or just whines about how lonely he is.

"i have to go to my parents' house tomorrow, though," i said and looked up to the ceiling.

"come on~ you can handle your alcohol well, your parents won't even know. plus, you really need to relax a bit. don't think that i haven't realised how you're overworking yourself again," jisung said and glared at me. i just rolled my eyes at him and stood up, slowly walking towards my closet.

i picked out simple black jeans and grey hoodie. i turned around and walked to the bathroom.

"i'll take a shower, wait a bit," i said and jisung just nodded, sitting on his bed that was on the opposite side of the room.


we were sitting in a nice, fancy bar that's not-so-far from our dorms. i was just quietly sitting, sipping from my drink from time to time, thinking about everything and nothing.

on the other hand, jisung was flirting with a quite handsome bartender, his name was minho. he had brown hair and was a year older than us. he was pretty chill, to be honest.

i looked down at the glass of whiskey in my hand and took another sip. i heard the chair beside me move, not bothering to look at who it is, i just took another sip.

"you don't seem to be much of a drinker," said a deep, soothing voice beside me. i turned my head a bit to get a look at the mysterious man beside me.

he was shorter tham me, had a mullet and freckled cheeks. he had slight eye makeup, that suited him quite well.

"i can handle my alcohol well, but i don't really drink much," i said honestly and shifted my gaze back to the glass in my hand.

"really? you look like someone who can't take even that one glass," the unknown man chuckled and when i tell you that, that chuckle was the most adorable thing i've ever heard, i'm not lying.

"don't judge a book by it's cover. who knows, your cute ass might be a serial killer, for all i know," i said and took another small sip. i earned a small chuckle.

"i'm felix, nice to meet you," the boy next to me said with a sweet, welcoming smile.

"hyunjin," i said with a tiny smile that disappeared as soon as it came.

"oh my god, hyunjin! you're talking to someone else other than me, i'm so proud of you, baby!" jisung yelled and wrapped his arms around my neck.

"ew, stop it, you dirty squirrel, i'll catch some diseases," i said and made a disgusted face, earing a hit on the head from jisung.

"i thought you loved me," he cried out and i made even more disgusted face.

"you? not even your mother loves you, loser," i said and jisung laughed.

"true that," he said and i chuckled. jisung then turned his attention to the confused blondie next to me, "hi, i'm jisung, this drama llama's best friend."

"felix," he said and smiled softly, "but like, could you explain what just happened?" he asked with a small laugh.

"well you see, our jinnie doesn't talk to anyone other than me and our one other friend, so this is a bigass progress," jisung said proudly. i just rolled my eyes at him.

"i just don't have the need to have too many friends, plus i'm not a slut like you who's making friends by flirting with others," i earned yet another hit on my arm from jisung, as he blushed furiously.

"shut up, mop head," he said and puffed his cheeks.


the hours passed and we slowly came to know each other a bit. we have found out that felix is also 21, only a day younger than jisung and that his major is dance, the same as mine.we also learned that he lives in an apartment complex few blocks away from our dorms.

as we were about to leave, felix and i exchanged numbers, as we wanted to hang out some other time. felix took a cab home, jisung and i decided to just walk.


it was around 8 am when i woke up to my alarm going off. i groaned and slowly got up from my bed, remembering that i had to meet my parents today.

i haven't slept for more than 4 hours and was exhausted due the lack of sleep and food from the last few days.

don't get me wrong, it's not like i have insomnia or an eating disorder. i just simply had a lot of school work, plus looking for a part-time job isn't easy.

i slowly got up and walked to the bathroom, took a shower, brushed my teeth and wore some comfortable clothes.

as i was putting some things into my backpack, jisung woke up and looked at me with a hint of concern. he knows about my parents and how they can be, so i don't blame him for being worried. i just softly smiled at him and started to walk to the door. he quickly ran to me and hugged me.

"you'll be okay, right?" he asked, worry written in his voice. i just softly nodded and kissed his forehead.

"don't worry, squirrel. i'll be back tomorrow, safe and sound," i said, smiling at the boy softly. he just smiled back and pecked my cheek.

we said our goodbyes and i slowly left the dormitory, with a bitter feeling. i don't wanna go home...


chapter one? done.
my memtal state? unstable.
hotel? trivago.

your b.

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