Chapter 12

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++=++ Alex pov ++=++

It's been almost a week since Isabella came to the hospital. Every day after school I would come and visit her. I just sit there holding her hand, looking at her, and praying she'll be okay. When mom works, she comes and check on us. Asher is here with me since he wanted to come and check on her.

"When do you think she'll wake up?" Ash asked.

"I don't know Ash, I hope soon. Dad need to find that dick who did this to her." I said looked at him.

"I never realized it until now, but we got lucky. We have 2 supportive parents who cares about us." Ash admitted.

"We are lucky and that pisses me off. No one should have to go through this." I agreed while sighing and looking over at her again.

"I'm going to close my eye for a bit. Wake me if something happens." I told Asher while I crawled up on the chair. I'm so exhausted this past week I barely got any sleep. I kept my hand with hers and closed my eyes.

++=++ Isabella pov ++=++

I woke up in a field with so many flowers around me. I sat up looked around and saw I woman in the distance with their back facing me.

"Hello?" I called out while standing up.

"Ma'am do you know where we are?" I asked walking towards her. She turned around now facing me.

"Mom." I whispered, confused since her died when I was 12.

"Hello Bella, I missed you so much." She said and hugged me. I started to tear up since it's been a while when I had a hug.

"But..but you died. How are you here?" I question while taking in her appearance. She hasn't  changed once she still looking the same since I was 12

"I did died and I'm so sorry for leaving you with that monster." She said with tears rolling down her face.

"Oh momma you didn't know that he'll turn like that." I said hugged her tightly.

"Just because I'm not physically there with you doesn't mean I don't see you. I heard your cries, your screams, your pleads for him to stop. I saw it all but every night you sing that beautiful song. And I would always hope someone would help you out of the house. Bella you finally found that someone. You got to go back to him baby. You still got a lot of life to live. I know it'll be hard to let people in but there was people who wants to find you." Mom said and I nodded.

"But I'm going to miss you." I whispered.

"Bella I'm going to be with you always. If you ever need me look up at the sky because I'll always be looking down at my beautiful girl." She said and hugged me. I didn't want to let go of her, but I knew I had too.

"I love you momma." I cried.

"I love you too baby. Now you wake up because that boy is a wreck without you." She told me and I nodded closing my eyes and picturing myself waking up.

I heard beeping next to me and voices around me. I felt something in my hand, so I tried to squeeze it. The first time I tried it didn't work. Come on body squeeze whatever in my hand. I tried again and I worked I squeeze it.

"She just squeezed my hand." I heard someone say.

"Let me go get mom." I heard someone else say.

"Isabella can you hear me? If you can hear me squeeze my hand again." I heard the first voice tell me. I listen to the voice and squeezed again. Just after I did, I heard a door open.

"Mom she's waking up. She squeezed my hand twice. One when I asked her if she can hear me." The voice said and I realized it is Alex. I felt Alex's hand leave mine and another one replaced his.

"Isabella honey if you can hear me can you squeeze my hand. I know it's a lot to ask but please try." I heard a female voice. With at the energy I had I squeezed her hand.

"Okay good that amazing sweetheart. Can you try opening your eyes for me?" She asked. I forced my eyes to open. I was meet to a bright white room and I closed my eye again since the light was too much.

"Ash turn down the lights please." I heard her said. After a few seconds I opened my eye again and the room was darker. I slowly look around to see Alex, Asher, and a female standing near me.

"Honey you're in the hospital. Do you remember why you are here?" The lady asked.

"No." I whispered my throat felt so dry.

"Alex get her some water please." She ordered and Alex brought over a cup of water. I take a big sip and let the satisfying feeling go down my throat.

"Why am I here?" I asked after my drink of water.

"Boys can you leave the room for a bit. I need to talk to my patient alone." She said looking at Alex and Asher they got up and left the room.

"Well for starters I'm Allison and I'm the boys' mother." She said softly.

"Nice to meet you." I said.

"Honey can you tell me what the last thing you remember was?" She asked. I sat there trying to remember.

"Alex dropping me off at the end of the block after school. And walking through the door to the house." I said looking at her. She nodded and wrote something down.

"This next question I know will be hard to answer. But I promise you wouldn't get in trouble of you answered truthfully okay." She said and I nodded. "Were you getting abuse at home?" She said softly.

After that question it felt like all the air was kicked out of my lungs. Can I trust her? She said I won't get in trouble. Take I deep breathe I released my biggest secret to her.

"Yes." I whispered looking down as tear started to roll down my face. 

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