Chapter 4

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++=++ Alex pov ++=++

The morning classes when by fast and now it's lunch. Isabella has the same lunch as I do. I told the guys that I was inviting her to sit with us, and they were okay with it. I walked into the cafeteria scanning for the light brown beauty. I made my way to the table where my friends were at. I sat down next to Dan.

"What's wrong?" He questioned.

"I can't find Isabella." I signed while looking around the room again.

"I think I saw her walking in the library." Mark added.

"I'll see you guys later. I'm going to check on her." I told them get up and making my way to the library.

This is a first for me. I never come in here but if Isabella is here then I'll suck it up. I want to get to know her, there's something about her I find intriguing. I walked around the library trying to spot her. I found her in the far back corner reading a book. I walked over to her sat down looking at her. After about 5 minute her finally realized I was there.

"Hey Isabella, what are you doing here and not the cafeteria?" I asked quietly.

"Oh um just reading a book." She said looking down at the book.

"But aren't you hungry?" I questioned.

"No not really I had a big breakfast this morning." She answered.

"Oh okay you mind if I stay with you? We have the same music class afterword's and I can take you." I asked. Wanted to help her settle in well.

"But you'll be hungry, and I don't want to be the cause of that." She remarked.

"Oh I'll be fine I have a sandwich in my bag to eat." I assured her. she nodded hesitantly and went back to her book.

I pulled out some homework and got a head start on it. Every so often I would glance at her. After about 20 minutes the bells went off tell us that lunch was over

"Ready?" I asked and she nodded put her book back where she got it.

We walked to music which was on the other side of the building. This time the back was full, so we sat in front.

"Hey just a fair warning don't be shocked if Mrs. Davis asked you to sing. She likes to have the newcomers sing in front of the class." I warned her.

I saw the panic in her eye was she start to shake.

"Hey look at me." I said softly. Her eyes slowly met mine. "You'll be alright, just look at me okay. Or close your eyes and it'll be over in no time okay." I told her gently. And saw her start to relax.

++=++ Isabella pov ++=++

Lunch ended and Alex walked me to music. We sat down in front waiting to class to started.

"Hey just a fair warning don't be shocked if Mrs. Davis asked you to sing. She likes to have the newcomers sing in front of the class." I heard him warned me.

No, no this can't be happening I can't sing in front of everyone. I'm not even that good at singing. I only sing to help numb the pain during the beating I receive.

"Hey look at me," He said softly. My eyes slowly met his. "You'll be alright, just look at me okay. Or close your eyes and it'll be over in no time okay." He told me gently. And I start to relax.

Mrs. Davis walked in and noticed me right away.

"Good afternoon class I believed we got a new student today." She announced. "Will you please come up here and introduce yourself." She said.

Here we go again. I got up and walk to the front and look at my fellow classmates.

"Um my name is Isabella, moved from New York." I stated.

"Well I know your new here Isabella, but I like putting my students on the spot. Please sing a song of your choice." She said.

I thought about what song I want to sing and immediately one came to mind. The song I sing to every night to my mom. I closed my eye and pictured her with me. Her beautiful long light brown hair. Her big blue eyes, and her warm smile.

~~~~~ I'll See You Again by Westlife video from the top ~~~~~

During the song my voice shocked with raw emotions and my eyes started to water. But I pushed through the sing to the end. When I finished the song, I keep my eyes close afraid of the judgement I'll going to get. But what I didn't expect was the loud cheered the class filled up with. That when my eyes snapped open and everyone was on their feet. What the fuck? I'm not good at singing. I quickly wiped my eyes.

"Isabella you have a gifted. That was so beautiful and raw." Mrs. Davis exclaimed. I smiled slightly and walked back to my seat next to Alex.

"You really are good Isabella. But are you okay you started tearing up during the song." He whispered.

"Yeah the song means a lot to me I guess." I whispered back looking back to my desk.

And honestly it did mean something to me. My mom and I were best friends when she was alive. And the whole song is how I feel about her.

++=++ Alex pov ++=++

Mrs. Davis put Isabella on the spot like she does to most of her students. And Isabella delivered the song she sang was beautiful. During the song you can tell her voice broke and she was fighting back tears. This sing totally meant to her. When she finished the song, she kept her eye closed. The classroom was dead silent and was memorized by what we just heard. Finally snapping out the trance we all were in. And the classroom filling with cheer and clapping. She opened her eyes and look around in shock.

"Isabella you have a gifted. That was so beautiful and raw." Mrs. Davis exclaimed. She smiled slightly and walked back to her seat next to me

"You really are good Isabella. But are you okay you started tearing up during the song." I whispered.

"Yeah the song means a lot to me I guess." She whispered back looking back to her desk. 

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