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I woke up from the sunlight shining in through the window nearby. Monday morning. I sat up and yawned and saw the others still being asleep. Sierra Pauley, Alicia Knightley, Annie Dale and I shared the same dorm. I only know their full names because of their trunks. We barely talk. August found his way sleepily into my lap and was laying there while I petted him. Some time passed and he jumped down from the bed and made his way to the common room. I put on my uniform and turned my hair clips back to red before I put them in my hair. Then I packed my bag with all of today's books. When I made my way to breakfast, I saw two very well-known boys. Accompanied by a third shorter one walking besides them. I decided to ignore them this time and tried to find Isa when I entered the Great Hall. I found her sitting at the same place as last time and almost ran to her. There were two Ravenclaws sitting right across her, eating.

"Good morning! Can I sit here?" I asked right before Isa stood up and hugged me.

"Of course! Eleanor, this is Jane Walters and Roger Davies. They're my friends from second year." she said as I shook their hands. Roger had dark brown hair with brown eyes and Jane had black hair with golden brown eyes.

"Aren't you Tristan's cousin? From our third year?" Jane asked.

"Uh yeah." I answered quickly and we sat down. "He talks about me?"

"Sometimes. Just shit though." she said and continued eating. I felt my stomach drop. Of course he does. When doesn't he? I didn't say much during that breakfast, and walked away directly after eating up. Roger stopped me when I entered the corridors.

"Don't listen too much to Jane. She doesn't have a filter, she says whatever comes to her mind." he said and gave me a kind smile. I nodded and continued down to the dungeons for potions class with Ravenclaw.

"Today we're doing Boil Cure. Can someone tell me 3 of the ingredients?" professor Snape asked and look over the class. Me and two others raised our hands. "Yes, miss Leigh?"

"Snake fangs, horned slugs and dried nettles, sir." I answered politely. He nodded once.

"And how many snake fangs and horned slugs should it be?"

"6 fangs, 4 slugs."

"Good. Any dangers?" he raised an eyebrow.

"Well, when brewing, the cauldron must be taken off the fire before adding porcupine quills or the cauldron will melt. And if successful, pink smoke will rise from the potion."

"Good enough." Snape said with a satisfied tone. He then returned to his desk and went through some books. He then told us to open Magical Drafts and Potions and begin with the potion when we find the instructions. I teamed up with Philip Jones, one of our boys, and started crushing the fangs as he started the fire. We didn't talk to each other, almost at all, not even when we waited for the potion to brew for 45 minutes. After adding the slugs, he took the cauldron off the fire, added the quills and stirred it. Pink smoke started to appear and we heard the classroom fill with claps. I smiled a bit as a victory and heard footsteps behind me.

"Everyone, follow mr Jones' and miss Leigh's example. Luckily, they got it right on the first try." professor Snape said as his voice got lower. Philip patted his hand on my shoulder before walking over to his friends from Ravenclaw. After a while, their potion was also getting pink smoke and so did everyone else's too. Not long after that, the lesson was over and us Hufflepuffs headed to charms class with Gryffindor.


Charms class was over and it was time for lunch. The Gryffindors thought it was a great idea to blend in with us Hufflepuffs as we walked down the corridor. I can't even count how many times someone of them walked on my heels. I just rolled my eyes and stopped for a moment so I could be behind everyone. Suddenly, I felt someone tap on my head. I looked up and saw a girl a bit taller than me.

"Hello. You look a bit lonely. Why don't you walk with your year?" she asked. She was a Hufflepuff as well. Must be one of the sixth or seventh year students.

"They just walk on my feet. It's annoying." I replied and grabbed my bag handle with both hands. She chuckled and put her arm around my neck so our pace matched.

"Well, then you're walking with me. I'm Nymphadora Tonks. But don't call me that. Say Tonks."

"I'm Eleanor Leigh. First year."

"Yeah, I know." she chuckled. "I remember that you were sorted like almost 3 weeks ago. I'm in seventh." she said and broke our eye contact. She didn't let go of me until we reached our table and I had to sit with my year.

"Be nice." she whispered before letting me go from her grip. I winked and mimed can't promise it. She smiled at me before I sat down. Lunch went by quickly before we had to head to our very first flying class. With Slytherin. Won't be too bad considering Isa will be there.

"Alright everyone, you all know we didn't have a lesson last week and that's because we had a little accident I had to take care of." she said and put her hands on her hips. "Today we'll go through the basics of flying. I want everyone of you to stand besides a broom, hold out your hand and say 'up!'. Now, go on and try." she continued and watched us with her yellow eyes. I followed the instructions, but the broom didn't seem to fly up into my hand like the other's did. Some Slytherins whispered and giggled, but when I looked at Isa, she gave me an assuring smile and a thumb up. I tried a more formal voice and the broom went right into my hand. Isa clapped her hands.

"Alright, kids! Get on your brooms. When I count down from 3, you push from the ground and find your balance. 3, 2, 1!" she exclaimed and blew her whistle. Multiple students flew into the air at once and I waited for a bit so I wouldn't crash into anyone. Finally, I pushed up towards the sky and felt the wind through my hair. My flight was a little bit wobbly, so I lowered myself so I wouldn't hit the ground as hard in case I fell off.

"Eleanor!" I suddenly heard and looked up. Isabella headed towards me in an impressive speed and stopped elegantly right in front of me.

"Isn't this the best?" she almost shouted excitedly and flew slowly around me.

"Have you done this before?" I asked curiously and watched her fly in circles. Then she went straight up and dove towards me again and steadily lead me through the air.

"Yeah, my dad teach me and my little brother. I've been practicing a bit for quidditch even." she responded with the widest smile. We didn't leave each other's sides until I stopped wobble, could steer it effortlessly and speed up and slow down. It took the whole lesson, but it was the best lesson yet. I felt free when Isa and I held hands and flew together, like there were no troubles in the world.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2021 ⏰

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