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"You will be polishing all these prizes." Snape said in this usual nasty tone. Fred imitated him as soon as he walked out the door. I laughed quietly at him trying to walk like Snape too.

2 hours went by and we had already cleaned half of the prizes.

"Hey look, James Potter. Isn't that he who got killed by you-know-who? He and his wife? He was a Seeker apparently." Fred said from across the trophy room as I walked over to him with the polishing rag barely hanging from my hand.

"Yeah. His son defeated you-know-who. He was only a baby." I responded as we both looked at James' name on the plaque. We stayed like that for a couple more seconds before continuing and talking about our next pranks.

About 3 hours later were we done with every bloody trophy. Just in time for dinner. Fred and I hurried our way down to the Great Hall and we both bumped into someone when we got pass the doors.

"Hey, watch where you're goin-"

"But you bumped into me first." a quiet voice interrupted us. We looked down and saw a blonde girl who adjusted one of her red hair clips. It was the girl from yesterday; Eleanor.

"Uh, sorry." I just spat out without thinking. She gave me a weak smile before walking down her table and taking a seat. Fred elbowed my side and pointed to where Percy and Charlie were sitting. They had a book each while eating. Charlie read about dragons of course, and Percy read... about other stuff.


"Hey Fred, isn't it weird that we've bumped into that girl two days in a row?" I asked him as we walked to our dorm. He just shrugged his shoulders and said he didn't think much of it. I did though. Of all the students that goes here, we meet the same person twice; a person we have no connections to. Or well, her brother is in Gryffindor like us, but that has nothing to do with it. Suddenly I saw Filch walking around the corner. I grabbed my wand and quietly said Bombarda. Small explosions went straight towards his bum and made him run away funny. Fred and I and all students around us started laughing. In our common room, we found Oliver Wood and Samuel Leigh talking. Both of them are in fourth year.

"Hey guys! Heard you were taking the positions as beaters in the Quidditch team!" Oliver said excitedly from his seat.

"What can we say? The word spreads quickly around here." I responded and got a big smile from Oliver. Eleanor's brother on the other hand didn't look too happy. We went into our dorm and later on heard someone open our door. It was Samuel.

"So I had a conversation with my sister earlier and she said that some ginger twins bumped into her in the Great Hall this breakfast." he said sternly and I looked confused as why this was a problem. "Now, I don't want to jump on any conclusions, but I'm going to either way. Don't you dare prank my sister. She'll outdo you both better than you think." he continued and walked out. Fred and I just raised our eyebrows at each other.

"Do you believe him?" he asked.

"I don't know, we'll have to find out."

"I like the thought of that." he smirked. We went down to the library to see if she was there. And we were right, there she was sleeping on her homework again. The library was empty when we snuck up on her. I took my wand and pointed it towards her.

"Let's begin with something small." I whispered and Fred nodded. I turned her red hair clips yellow and her purple shoelaces red. We then snuck out the library again and waited for the reaction outside. She never showed up. We checked inside again and saw her reading her book, very much awake. It's like she never slept. She looked up, spotted us and turned her face down to the book again. She was actually really cute. Both of us twins sighed and left. Charlie met us when we got back to the Gryffindor tower and asked us if we were sure that we wanted to join the team. We nodded and he started to tell us the names of the players in our team. Angelina Johnson and Alicia Spinnet are new Chasers along with Samuel Leigh from before, Oliver Wood is the Keeper, Charlie's the Captain and Seeker. I just felt the information pass from one ear out the other.


After seeing the twins in the library, who I was informed by my brother that their names are Fred and George and were pranksters, I kept on studying for many more hours. Potions are the best subject yet, along with transfiguration and herbology. When my eyes became too heavy, and I started yawning more frequently, I made my way back to the dorm with my bag over my shoulder. August greeted me in the common room and I picked him up. His long black fur tickled my nose and I had to sneeze so I almost dropped him. He gave me a confused, but disappointed look. Like I didn't love him anymore. I gave him many reassuring kisses on his little forehead and he started purring before we made our way into the dorm. I threw the bag on my bed and let August down on it too. Apparently, it was very comfortable for him to sleep on my bag. I changed into my pyjamas and went straight to bed. This week was good, but I hope a better week by tomorrow.

But I couldn't stop thinking about if it really was the twins that changed the colours of my hair clips and shoelaces. If so, that was weak. I'll show them a thing or two if they want to.

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