Hello, who are you ?

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Note: right now it's a bit boring but this chapter is very interesting also we fast forwarded to year 3. Also the story will not be revolving around Harry and voldy but around Draco and the death eaters.

Roses POV: rushing towards the train it may be my third time going to Hogwarts but every time I seems different.

I'm running down the corridor towards the carts.
I bump into someone, "I'm so sorry I'm rushing and I." I look up a tall boy standing there in front of me. His cheeks rosy red and his skin light and fair.

His hair a nice blond, "Hello, who are you" he says. "I'm Blanchard, Uh- uh Rose Blanchard." I stuttered he stared me up and down.

Dracos POV: On the train back to Hogwarts, I'm walking down the corridor looking for Zabini and Párkinson.

I look out the window as I feel some one run into me.
"I'm so sorry I'm rushing and I" she stops and looks up at me.

It's the girl that I saw on the train first year. She looks different this year her hair a bit longer her face more grown up.

"Hello, who are you" I ask, I never really knew her name. After year 1 I hadn't really seen her around.

" I'm Blanchard, Uh- uh rose Blanchard." She stirred I noticed she was rushing so I let her continue and sat down in my cart.

Zabini and Párkinson where no where to be found. Seconds after I got a letter,
Sorry for our absence. We will not be attending Hogwarts this year our families have gone on a trip and we will be traveling the world all year round.

Sincerely, Blaise, and Pansy.

Roses POV: I couldn't seem to find my friends any where. I walk back to where I bumped into that boy I looked around for him.

I come across a room, he is sitting there alone reading a letter.

"Hey may I sit here." I ask.

He looks up, and nods. I sit, "sorry I didn't quite catch your name earlier." I say. He looks up at me, " I'm Draco Malfoy." He says.

A malfoy there known to work for Voldemort, the death eaters. But Draco seems different scared, kind, soft.

We talk all the way to Hogwarts he's very kind and funny. Though whenever someone walked by he became serious. As if trying to hide his smile that he had.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2020 ⏰

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