The Sorting,Tthe Loving, The Wanting

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Rose's POV: we have arrived, the castle looks amazing. I can imagine running all over the place exploring.

We enter the castle, everything here looks so magical. So mysterious, all these things so different but so alike.

We stand at the top of the stair case me, Harry, Ron, and Hermoine. A professor comes out of the big doors, " Welcome to Hogwarts first years, we will be joining the others in dinner. But first you must be sorted into your houses. Gryffindor: daring , brave and courage. Slytherin: pride,cunning, ambitious. Ravenclaw: Wit, Learning, and wisdom. Hufflepuff: Hard work , Dedicated, and loyalty."

My family had come from a long line of Gryffindors.
As we walk in I think that it's not doubt I'll be Gryffindor just like them.

Professor Mcgonagall, calls my name. I sit at the sorting hat. Professor Mcgonagall puts the sorting hat on me. " Hmm another Blanchard, just like your father kind, brave, and courageous. GRYFFINDOR"
Says the sorting hat.

Draco's POV: we get to the castle, Professor Mcgonagall explains all about the houses.

My family comes from a long line of Slytherins. Father told me at home he would be disappointed if I wasn't in Slytherin. But I'm confident I will be a Slytherin.

Mcgnagall calls my name, I sit down the hat barely hovering over my head calls out "Slytherin."

- Last day of first year.

Draco's POV:  This year was great, I didn't really talk to Harry the friend I wanted to make.
I spent most of the year hanging with Zabini and Párkinson.

Now where of to summer I'm gonna spend it with my family at my house I don't have much plans for this summer.

I hate being home mostly when father is there, he sometimes gets in these moods and takes it all out on me.

I count the days, hours, minutes, and second for my return to Hogwarts. I'm going to miss having fun and not being scared of speaking with out, Never mind.

Roses POV:  The year ended Ron invited me to hang with him at the borrow. I've been there twice, I think.

I told him I couldn't my family had already planned a trip to Paris.

He was upset at first because neither I, Harry, nor Hermione could go we promised to write each other letters.

Roses letters to Ron,harry and hermoine:
Dear Ron, harry, and Hermoine,

I heard you guys were together this weekend. How has your summer been mine has been pretty amazing. Paris is amazing the food, the view everything here's a picture of me and my parents have a great rest of your summer.

Love, rose

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