Chapter 88

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Sirius made them a hefty breakfast for the day.

Unfortunately, they couldn't sit and enjoy it. They ate quickly as Hermione bustled about making sure they had everything they needed in her beaded bag.

"You'll do just fine," said Sirius confidently when they made their way to the door, each partnered up. Su would Disapparate with Ron, Hermione with Harry, and Blaise with Kit. "Just trust each other. Send a Patronus if anything goes wrong."

They thanked him and left quickly, going into the tiny alleyway where they'd catch the Ministry workers they'd be impersonating that day.

"Right then," said Hermione, checking her watch. "She ought to be here in about five minutes. When I've Stunned her—"

"Hermione, we know," said Ron sternly. "And I thought we were supposed to open the door before she got here?"

Hermione squealed, and Blaise patted her shoulder before opening the padlocked door behind them, which led into an empty theatre. "Don't worry, love, I got it. Now, I did the Extension Charm on the Cloak, so we should be able to fit under it, if we squeeze in."

They did just that, and thankfully, a little more than a minute later, there was a tiny pop, and the first witch appeared. Hermione's silent Stunning Spell hit her in the chest and toppled over. Blaise darted forward and picked her up, dragging her behind the theater door, plucking a few of the woman's hairs out before passing them to Hermione, who added them to the first of six flasks of Polyjuice Potion.

"Mafalda Hopkirk," read Blaise from the identifying card on the witch. "Here, your tokens."

Hermione took a handful of small golden coins, all embossed with the letters M.O.M. She downed her flask and put on Mafalda's spectacles, now appearing as her double. They all darted back out, everyone but Hermione ducking back under the Invisibility Cloak as their next victim appeared.

"Oh, hello, Mafalda," said a ferrety looking wizard.

"Hello," said Hermione in a quavery voice. "How are you today?"

"Not so good, actually," replied the man, looking thoroughly downcast.

"I'm sorry to hear you're under the weather," Hermione told him solemnly. "Here, have a sweet."

"Eh? Oh, no thanks—"

"I insist!" said Hermione aggressively, shaking the bag of pastilles in his face. Looking rather alarmed, the wizard took one of the Puking Pastilles. Just as it touched his tongue, he started vomiting so hard, he didn't notice Hermione yanked a handful of hairs from the top of his head. "Oh dear! Perhaps you'd better take the day off!"

"No— no!" he choked and retched. "I must— today— must go—"

"But that's just silly!" said Hermione, alarmed. "You can't go to work in this state— I think you ought to go to St. Mungo's and get them to sort you out!"

The wizard had collapsed, heaving, on all fours, still trying to crawl towards the main street. "You simply can't go to work like this!" cried Hermione. He gave in, and forced himself to stand before turning on the spot and vanishing.

"Should have just Stunned him," said Blaise, going forward with his flask for her to put the hairs in it. He downed the potion and ducked into the theater, emerging in the navy blue robes to be Reg Cattermole's double. "Oi, isn't it strange he wasn't wearing these today? Seeing how much he wanted to go."

"I don't know why," Hermione admitted. "Your turn next, Kit."

Kit decided Stunning was easiest, and besides, it felt nice to do magic now that she was seventeen. Just as Blaise and Hermione moved behind one of the walls, a pop was heard, and a witch about Kit's height materialized, looking quite rushed. Silently, Kit stunned her, and caught her body, though it nearly sent them both toppling down. Blaise rushed forward and helped her pick the woman up, moving her into the theater. Kit tore off the woman's robes as Hermione followed and added the woman's hairs to Kit's flask. Kit put on the robes just before drinking the potion.

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