Chapter 16

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"Miss Thompson, is there anything you'd like to share with the class?"

Kit had quite nearly jumped out of her skin. She had been whispering to Su about Draco (who she for some reason couldn't stop thinking about). Flitwick gave her a somewhat reproachful look and turned his attention back to the congregated Ravenclaws.

"No, Professor," said Kit rapidly.

"As I was saying," squeaked Flitwick, "we have a nice surprise coming up. The Yule Ball. It is a traditional part of the Triwizard Tournament and an opportunity for us to socialize with our foreign guests. While only fourth years and above are able to attend, a younger guest of an older student can be permitted. You are to wear dress robes. I suggest going all out, it will be worth it! It's set to be an incredibly fun night. The ball will start at eight o'clock on Christmas Day, finishing at midnight in the Great Hall."

He glanced around, then became stern. "I expect you all to be on your best behavior. We have guests, and I do not want Ravenclaw's reputation tarnished. If we want to enjoy it, we'll need to act accordingly. Do I make myself clear?"

The Ravenclaws nodded. The bell rang, and the students hurried out, chattering excitedly at the prospect of a ball.

"Yule Ball!" said Su dreamily, swaying and purposely bumping into Kit. "I want Anthony to ask me!"

"What? But you were getting friendly with Kevin Entwhistle... or whatever."

"Oh, no, I was merely trying to make Anthony jealous."

Kit raised an eyebrow. "I wouldn't think that to be a wise path, but whatever floats your bubble. Why don't you ask him? You know, before everyone rushes to it."

Su flushed. "Well, I want him to ask me. It'd mean more."

"But then how do you expect him to know? You don't talk to him enough."

The raven-haired girl let out a small huff. "This is too complicated! Why can't he just know?"

"How about this," suggested Kit, "you start talking to him more and maybe ask who he's planning to take to the ball. If he's interested in someone else, he'll likely insinuate that. If he isn't sure, just suggest that perhaps you both could go as 'friends.' If he says yes, you're in!"

Su rolled her eyes. "But—"

"Come on, Su! This is your chance!"

"Fine. But if that's the case, you have to ask Cedric."

Kit turned red. "Well, I actually wasn't sure about going with Cedric."

Su looked like she'd witnessed an exorcism. The shock in her expression was almost confusing to Kit. "What do you mean?" cried Su. "You two have been hitting it off so well! Who else would he ask? Who else would you ask? What— oh, Merlin, this is a lot to process..."

"Oh, calm down, it's not like the end of the world," sighed Kit. "I'm just not sure if I even want to go with anyone. Why commit myself? I'd feel bad if I had a date and someone else asked me to dance. Besides, there would be a lot of attention on me if I was Cedric's date."

"Ah..." Su was one of few who truly understood that Kit actually despised being the center of attention. It was too much for her to handle. "Well, talk to Cedric about it."

"That'll be weird. What if he wasn't even planning to ask me, and I bring it up?"

"Like I insinuated before, there isn't anyone else he'd think to ask. Talk to him."

Kit sighed in defeat as she and Su parted ways to continue on to their different classes. As Kit walked, she considered it. Su was right, Cedric wouldn't be likely to ask anyone else over Kit. They were considered an unofficial item by Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws alike.

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