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Manami left my house when I went to school, yesterday was... magical. I do have good friends and something that I should call a boyfriend who doesn't act like one. Well, he doesn't exactly ask me to date him.

I'm not a PDA person until I finally understood my feelings for him. It's not I want to be 24/7 with him but... he didn't walk with me to school, don't come to see me when he arrived at school. Maybe he changed his mind?

When Atsumu dated Miyumi everyone knew on the first day about that. Why this pisshead isn't showing me to the world? Hmpft, it's not that I care. But I want at least him to come to see me...

I left my classroom to go to the bathroom then I finally found Tsumu, I walked in his direction waving with a wobbly smile, he noticed me but he didn't change his emotions, at least show that you're happy to see me!

"Good morning Tsumu"

"Good morning Kari" I looked at him waiting for him to bend down "What's wrong?" He's playing dumb now? I raised my eyebrow "Sunnie wants a kiss?" He teased me "you're getting too cocky, I have to refuse, no kisses and hugs" he smirked, I pouted and left him alone, if he's going to play like this I'm too, and I don't like to lose.

What's wrong with him? I have a boyfriend now and he doesn't want to cuddle? He's dumber than I thought. He's planning to keep me as a secret for his whole life? Damn I really want a hug, why this is so annoying

"I never saw you sulk like this, what my brother did?" It was Osamu

"Samuuu, can you hug me?" He laughed and nodded

"I never thought that you could be so needy like this, Kyo Hikari is asking for hugs, maybe it's an apocalypse. I guess that idiot isn't doing his job right" I shake my head denying and he sighed "Let's go to our classroom"

As we walked I ask

"Do you think I'm being too clingy?"

"I think it's impossible when it comes to you, I thought you don't even knew how to hug, I'm impressed" I nodded

The whole day Atsumu dodge my attempts of affection then I finally gave up. If he doesn't want to act like a boyfriend then I don't want too. When he talked with me I just ignored and when he walked in my direction I turned around to go in another direction.

Lunchtime started and Samu and I went to the other side of the campus cause there is a vending machine that sells my favorite coffee, I need something warm. We waited while a group of kids struggled to choose what they want, we thought it would be quick but it took 15 minutes. When it was finally my turn someone called me

"Yes, Atsumu?"

"No Tsumu? Babe? TsumTsum? Love? What's wrong where are you?"

"Do you want coffee with coconut?" Samu asked and I said yes

"You're with Samu buying your favorite coffee?" How does he know it? "I want to hang out with my brother too, I'm coming" he didn't let me answer and he hung up, such a stubborn guy. Minutes later he appeared

"Why are you here with Osamu?"

"Well at least someone wants to be with me" I said harshly and left them to go to the canteen, he wants to be with his brother so I'm realizing his desire.

Nothing really interesting happened during the class, just more and more homework, they should understand that I barely stay at home! I need to take care of boys the whole day!

When I went to the court with Rin and Samu, they got changed, I cleaned and organized the gym and our other teammates didn't arrive yet, so we chat while we wait for them.

Dearest Enemy {Miya Atsumu}Where stories live. Discover now