Page 6 | Again?!.. |

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*•.Shoto's P.O.V.•*

It was late and we were still talking and laughing while cuddling on the bed. I usually act so emotionless and all but- he really made me feel happy..Katsuki..

My phone rang and it was Kirishima. I showed the home to Bakugo so he will be sure who is it. I answered and had put it on Speaker..

K : Hey-

T : Hi-.? Why are you calling so late?

K : I wanted to say sorry for all those stuff I made you do to me- and plus I was doing those stuff because- never mind. Good night.

T : No-! Tell me? I wanna know!

K : I wanted you to stay away from the other males !

Kirishima hanged up and I slowly looked at Bakugo. "He was jealous?" I honestly didn't know what that was clearly- "I guess.. but don't go near to him!" I nodded my head and looked at the date and time. My eyes widen and I covered my mouth with my own hand letting out a gasp. "What?" Can tell-Katsuki seemed a bit worried..but didn't show it. "My heat is gonna start in two days.." "ah shit- I'm not allowing you to take suppressants!" Bakugo pointed at me with his protective voice. "Then what am I gonna do?! I'm only 16!" Bakugo sighed and held me close to his chest. I felt myself slowly falling asleep after couple of minutes.


I woke up but didn't open my eyes. The bed felt so empty- I quickly opened my eyes and looks around but I didn't saw him- Katsuki wasn't to me.. I soon heard the door open and I quickly stand up to see who it was- It was Kirishima?!

"What are you doing here? And who let you in?.." I asked quietly and crossed arms. "I apologised to Bakubro and asked if I can visit you..So here I am-" wha? Weird- "where is Bakugo?"
"He is downstairs at the kitchen making you breakfast.." He looked very sad- I moved aside so he can walk into the room ,with a small smile I looked into his eyes. I liked this boy-as like,like yk? We both sat on the bed and started talking about school,projects, friendships and etc- it was nice we were laughing a bit. Soon enough Bakugo walked in with strawberry milk and some pancakes. "Oh- Am I bothering you two?!.." he seems a bit angry. I chuckled and walked over to him.placing a small kiss on his cheek I toke the milk. It was my favourite drink tho- I toke a sip and Katsuki kissed me on the lips suddenly- it was wired but I don't really mind! I knew it was because of Kirishima. "I-I should go- See ya at class!" He said and left the room rushing. Wow. Katsuki smirked a bit while looking Kiri leave. He turned to me with those cold eyes, it made me shiver. "Y-yes?" "What you both were talking about..?!" I sat on the bed and toke another sip from my milk. "School,friendships. Nothing important." I said and smiled a bit at him. "I believe you- now eat up and get ready for class or we will be late." He sat next to me and placed a kiss on my cheek.

We entered the class room and saw our classmates chatting. He let go of my hand and I made my way to Momo and the girls, weird but there was Denki too! He was nice to me, and very friendly! So I don't mind! "Hey guys." I said and sat on my seat next to Momo. "Hey Todo!" They all greeted me and I smiled at them a bit. They toks a pic of me and started "fangirling,, I giggled a bit under my breath. I saw Midoriya making his way to Katsuki and Kirishima. He flirted with both of them- I can't believe my best friend is flirting with my bo-....oh- right.. we aren't dating with Katsuki.. I felt someone garbing me. Denki. Before I knew I was behind him next to Kirishima. "Hey Midoriya!" He said- but it wasn't the Kaminari the call knew. He seemed.. pissed? "Yes Kaminari-kun?" "Are you and Bakubro dating or something? Or Kiri? Or Shinsou? Or Iida?" "Wait-wait-wait!" I said. "Shinsou? Iida?" I asked and Kaminari nodded. "W-what? I did nothing with them!" Midoriya tried to protect himself. "Nothing? You sucked my dick twice and begged me to go inside of you!" I heard a deep sleepy voice.. Shinsou. "What?!" Kaminari looked over at the purple haired boy. "Yeah. But I already told him that I had a crush and he tried to get me. This was before we got together babe." Babe?! "I said not in school-" Kaminari whisper-yelled at him. "T-that's not true!" Midoriya teared up. I can say he was pretending.. "Midoriya. It's not very loyal to lie your friends." I heard Iida behind Midoriya. "You wanted to do the d-dirty with me..but I refused the offer " I started laughing. Everyone looked over me shocked. "W-Whats so funny?" Denki asked me trying not to laugh. I heard the girls giggling. "Oh god...Deku I though you were a loyal and straight!" Before I could continue Ochako yelled out "HE ASKED IF WE COULD DO IT TOO!" I started laughing again. "Pansexual? Did you asked a tree to?!" Katsuki said and pulled me to sit on his lap sideway. I blushed a bit and smiled at him. "We are not friends anymore Midoriya. Please don't talk to me anymore.." my smile dropped down. Before Midoriya could say something Katsuki kissed me and quickly slides his tongue into my mouth. It was a passionate and slowly kiss. Some were taking pictures other were fangirling third were clapping or just watching. Midoriya started screaming at us but we continued our kiss not pulling away. "HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME KACCHAN?! UGH!" this was the last thing I heard. "GET A ROOM~~!" I heard Shinsou yell out as he chuckled after it. I pulled away first for air and looked at Katsuki. "Why did ya do that?" I was panting a bit. Midoriya was sitting on his seat and ..crying? I honestly didn't feel any guilty about it. Aizawa walked in and I placed a small kiss on my Alpahs lips then walked to my seat.

Words : 1080


Hello ppl :3 . So- this is getting boring- So I started another BakuTodo story. It's in my drafts! It's called His ,,stripped" I'm thinking to post the first page/chapter on 01.05.2021 . I have already 5 done. It's a bottom Todoroki again!

If ya do why bottom Todo- I think Katsuki will be the one who will make Shoto bottom af- 🤠✌🏻

~𝑀𝑦 𝑓𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑑 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑏𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑓𝑖𝑡𝑠~ {BakuTodo} ☯︎︎Omegaversion☯︎︎Where stories live. Discover now