Page 1 First day at school | Second year|

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*•~Shoto's P.O.V~•*

I turned off my alarm and sat up on the bed thinking about 'what is gonna happen today?'
I heard my dad yelling from downstairs, the breakfast was ready. I looked at my phone it was 6:12 AM . I went downstairs to see my sister and brother eating there breakfast. I sat down next to my father and started eating slowly.
"Shoto, I think you know about the drone from last year right?" My dad said. I nodded and said " I do , why?" He toke a sip from his coffee and said "you will have a roommate. Aizawa will tell y'll about it." I choked on my food and looked at him kinda shocked , I give him a strange look and said with panicking tone. " What?! Since when?! My privacy.." I looked down on my plate when he spoke again. "I will talk with some people so you will be with there son and I won't be worried about you." I rolled my eyes and stand up making my way to my room. I got into my bath room and going through my morning routine and then put on my school uniform, I looked myself in the mirror and winked before heading out of my room. I went downstairs and said goodbye to my family, I had put my shoes on and walked out of the house closing the door after  memyself.

-20 mins later at school- (ik- I'm lazy :'>)

I walked in the class room and Momo made her way towards me , she was one of my best friends. "Sho!" She said and  hugged my tightly , I pat her back and said "H-Hi Momo..Can you please let me breath?" I asked and giggled nervously, she let go of me and apologised. I noticed Bakugo staring at and I looked then back at Momo, I didn't wan Male it awkward moment for both of us tho-
I sat on my seat next to Momo and Midoriya slowly walked to me , I gave him a soft dime and he smiled back " Good morning Todoroki-Kun ! " he said with his usual  energy tone. Last year I was curious about my feelings for him but he easing my type. The class had know that I'm a homosexual, the only one who said something ''bad,, was Mineta. He is homofobic- But for some reason Bakugo as he say- ''blasted,, his ass to the next week or some shit. I looked at Midoriya, he was talking, u easing listening much till he said "We will go out with Kirishima,Kaminari,Iida,Uraraka ,Momo,Mina ,Sero,Shinso aand...Kacchan!" He runned the back of his head nervously and blushed after he said the last person. I couldn't help but ask. "Do you like Bakugo?" He turned darker shade of pink- closer to red.i giggles a bit when Momo said " Todoroki, if we are talking about crushing and ya- Do you have one~?" I quickly answered her questions with. "No,currently I don't." She looked at Midoriya then at me. They both smirked and looked at me, before thy clubs say anything the teacher arrived the room, everyone toke a sit.

"Okay everyone ! I have news. Since is the first day you will get into your dorms. No training no classes.
The news are :
1. Everyone will have a roommate, the rooms will be bigger and will have two beds on each side.
2. After 2/3 weeks we will be going to a camp for three days.

He continued to explain the rules and the news. I was curious about my roommate. I smiled a bit and the teacher stared to call the names to get there keys.
"Momo and Mina...Jiro and Uraraka..." he keep talking intel he said my name. " Todoroki and..Bakugo... Midoriya and Sero..Kirishima and Kaminari.." I was in kinda shock. Was he the boy my father  was talking about ?! "Todoroki and Bakugo please come with me." I nodded and I followed Mr. Aizawa and behind me was Bakugo. We went out of class and he crossed arms looking at us. " So, Endeavour didn't wanted to leave Shoto on his own this year so he talked to your parents and they agreed to you to be his roommate." He said calmly and I sighed  softly , it was set before Bakugo started yelling. "HA?! BUT I DIDN'T ! " I rolled my eyes and Mr. Aizawa just ignored him and went back to class , telling the students they are free. I went back in and grabbed my back. Momo and I were talking and walking out of class and the building. While I was waiting my Mother to bring my stuff I was playing on my phone and waved to Momo for bye.

"Sho-Sho !" I turned around and saw her , I smiled brightly and slowly walked towards her car ,next to her was Natsuo and he said "Yo little pain in the ass!" My mom got a bit angry and just slapped him playfully "Natsuo! Language!" "Okay,Okay!" He said in return. "Now go help your brother with his stuff." Natsuo didn't say anything,he just went out of the car and grabbed two bags and a suitcase from the back seat.

-after 15 mins-

"Take care of yourself and don't let anyone to touch you! Understood?" Natsuo crosses his arms and stood in front of the door about to leave. "Yes go away!" "Fine. Geez-" he said and walked away , I closed the door behind me and went to the bag room to change , it was 7:34 PM. I changed into a long white t-shirt with "I don't give a fuck about you" on it and shorts with long socks (I just love his den side a bit :> ) I yawned and got a call from Midoriya

(M-Midoriya| T-Todoroki)

M : Todoroki-Kun ! We are at my dorm  it's number ** ! We are about to play, you will come right ? Everyone are already here!

T : Yeah. I'll be there in 2. See ya!

-Todoroki hanged up-

I got my keys and locked the door after myself and went to Midoriya's drom. I knocked on the door and Momo open it.
"Come in!" She moves to the side a bit so I can walk in as I did. I sat between Midoriya and Kirishima. "So- Wanna play Truth or Dare?~ " Mina asked and everyone agreed. She started it. "Hm- Kirishima ! Truth or Dare?" "Dare bro! I'm manly!"she looked at everyone else and said "Slap someone but- not on the cheek~" Kirishima looked at me and slapped my thigh. I made a small moan and covers my mouth. "S-sorry- you were the closest person , did it hurt so much?" I blushed and bit and said. "N-No it's fine" He smiled at me everyone just were like ''Ooo,, everyone but not Bakugo. I was still kinda blushing and he spoke. "Oi! Keep it down! My turn! Hehe~. Bakubro! Truth or dare?" "Dare shitty hair! I'm not a pussy!" Kirishima smirked. "I dare you to say "I you lost baby gOrl" everyone started laughing and then BakuGo spoke with his deep and actually calm voice "are you lost baby girl~?" I saw the way Midoriya was blushing and Bakugo was in front of me. I just giggled and also blushed because his voice was deep-. He looked at me in the eyes and said "Icy-hot , Truth or dare?" "D-dare" why I was like that?! I have no damn idea. "I dare you to sit on my lap." I was in shock but did as he said. "Is it your first time sitting on a lap?!" He said with his usual angry voice. I rolled my eyes and said " of course not." I was sitting on his lap facing him with hands on his shoulders . Everyone was just watching us in shock , but only Midoriya was a bit sad. Then he asked "F-For how long he have to be sitting on your lap K-Kacchan?" "Whenever I said so!" He pulled me closer, I was okay with it and spoke "Midoriya Truth or Dare?" He looked at me. "Dare!" "I dare you to kiss your crush" when I said that I slowly backed off of Bakugo's lap and then Midoriya kissed him , everyone started fangirl-ing or some shit I was just smiling and watching them with my crossed arms. Bakugo didn't say something just wiped his lips and slapped Midoriya. It was silent and I sat next to Kiri when bakugo spoke again " Who said you can get off of my lap,huh?!" I sighed and slowly sat on his lap, he pulled my closer and closer. The game continued but Midoriya just walked out of the dorm. After the game it was 9:45 so I stand up and made my way to my drom like everyone else. We all said goodbye , bakugo was behind me like a bodyguard.. I felt kinda safe and uncomfortable at the same time. I had a fem body so my father doesn't want me to show so much skin, I liked to dress myself with skirts and dresses and cute things- We arrived and I unlocked the door and head inside of the room , when BakuGo closed the door after himself and locked it he pinned me on the wall I couldn't help but blush a bit. He was deep and calmly quietly.

"Let's make out"


Haii! This is my first story- and English I'm not my first language. Don't judge! :<

Words : 1605

~𝑀𝑦 𝑓𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑑 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑏𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑓𝑖𝑡𝑠~ {BakuTodo} ☯︎︎Omegaversion☯︎︎Where stories live. Discover now