The Male OC

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Full Name: Kieth Nevachrono
Features: (Pic not mine, just for reference)

Full Name: Kieth NevachronoFeatures: (Pic not mine, just for reference)

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Parents: (Foster Father)
Julius Nevachrono

Age: 16

Gender: Male (Bisexual)

(No siblings)

Grimoire: Three leafed clover
Magic: Dark Magic
Moonlight Beam
- a simple attack spell that emits from Kieth's sword. A black ball of mana is concentrated on the tip of his sword and it can be shot at a long distance.
          Dark Magic: Full Moon's Beam
- same with Moonlight Beam, but this one is stronger. It can cover up a whole arena or something smaller or bigger depending on the mana he's releasing.
        Dark Magic: Darkness of the Night
- this one is like Kirsch's spell. It covers up a huge area and covers the people's vision. This way, it'll be hard to sense anyone's mana or ki. But only those he chooses can be hidden.
Dark Magic: Knight of Dawn
- a huge upper body of a knight in armor rises from the ground and attacks the target with punches or smashes. This aquires huge amounts of mana.
Dark Magic: Dead Silent
- it cancels out sounds and covers up Kieth's mana and ki which he uses in order to have an advantage. Though it can only last for a minute.

      -Light Magic

Likes: (People he admires and his favorite stuff)
     -Magic (literally any type of magic)

Dislikes: (Things that pisses him off)
     -Silva Family (House of Silva)
     -Royals and nobles that looks down   on peasants
     -Stronger people than him

Back Story:
He was an orphan from a small village near Hage. He was sold to the Silva Family when he was four in exchange for money to the orphanage. At the House of Silva, he was a slave or prisoner, locked up in the underground dungeon below the mansion. He escaped once he turned fifteen since he got his grimoire and ended up in a forest where Magic Knights train. There he met Julius and his journey to becoming the Wizard King begun.

He doesn't have his own personality, that's why he has an ability to make the others' personalities as his own. Some of the Magic Knights were afraid of this because there might be something that might expose them, that's why they don't go near Kieth as much as they could.

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