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Dragons exist only on Era. The Telkan dragons were killed off when The Gods abandoned Telka.

Eran Dragons have an inate ability to Polymorph into a humanoid form. This humanoid form tends to appear elvish, but the overall appearance is up to the dragon themselves.

Dragon hunters, although rare and treated with distain. They use spells to identify dragons in their polymorphed form. The Time dragons have a natural resistance to these spells and have remained unseen to the point of being considered extinct

Shadow dragons are another species thought to be extinct, however, one by the name of Zekelvda has dealings with the Winter Court of the Feywild. Ethereal and Astral dragons are also considered extinct

The amount of different dragon species is unknown. Known species include the following: Shadow, Time, Metallic, Chromatic, Astral, Ethereal.
There are many subspecies of dragon, and between individuals there is alot of variation.

Most dragons have strong hoarding tendencies and a superiority complex. Dragon hoards are not limited to objects and may include people or a specific place.

Dragons are intelligent and fully sentient magical creatures. While they do not venerate gods, many gods use them as symbols.

Vraka is a small city populated entirely by dragons on the continent of Quinon. Vraka has been kept secret from non-dragons since it's founding in 647 ga.

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