Lore of The Twin Worlds

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Project ATHENA was an AI designed to travel between the twin worlds Era and Telka. Telka is a dieing world filled with man made wonders and technology while Era is a world of magic and gods. Era and Telka are reflections of one another and occupy the same space on two different planes of existence, similar to the feywild in D&D, but not not as easy to slip through.

Some of the Eran gods originally came from Telka, but had forsaken their people for more followers as a result the Telkan people destroyed all the temples of their gods. The gods then took the magic from Telka as punishment and gave it to the Eran gods of magic as a gift. The Eran saw it as a sign and started becoming more reliant on magic.

I would assume the Telkan have a similar thing to bc and ad like ga and am meaning gods abandoned and after magic and the time between has very little documentation and thus mostly forgotten. The Telkan started creating complex AI in 3058 am, but had not figured out planar travel until 3204 am. The ATHENA was only the eleventh thing sent to Era and lost contact with Telka a year after.

Era is an fantasy type setting comprised of several city states and countries. Most are spread out and separated by dense forests and mountains. Era and Telka both have five contenents of the same names Laventha, Quinon, Gyodina, Brihata and Nashian.

Era and Telka have multiple types of humanoids, elves, humans, gnomes, orcs, dwarves and halflings. The children of interspecies relationships identify as whatever species they most identify with rather than something else, but half-elves and half-orcs, the most common ones, are refered to as half-elves and half-orcs due to the distinct differences in temperament and appearience.

Telka is a world of mystery for good reason. The contenents of Brihata, Gyodina, and Quinon have all been rendered uninhabitable by bombs deployed in 2875 am.

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