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Betsy had been fluttering around the drawing room all day fixing flower bouquets , moving afternoon tea plates and touching up Sienna's hair. Even though they had staff that were paid to do that job Betsy just needed to do it to help her not think about suitors calling for her daughter momentarily. Lydia was sat on the sofa reading a book while Diana and Celia tried to pick at the afternoon tea platters without their mother noticing. But neither were quick enough to nab anything without Betsy seeing , after seven children nothing could get past her. Sienna sat on the sofa opposite Lydia fiddling with her fingers. Wishing she could rise and play the piano to take her mind away but her mother warned her that a suitor could be arriving any minute now and she must be ready.

The mid-day sun slowly disappearing from the sky , casting a darkened shadow in the drawing room. A sickening feeling filled Sienna's stomach as her mouth ran dry. No one had come , no one was going to come were they. It was much too late in the day all the potential suitors were probably already busy with others. While she sat here waiting alone. Fed up of doing nothing Sienna rose from the sofa despite her mother urging her to sit back down and stay calm.

"Mama have I done something wrong?" Sienna questions as her mother delicately perched on the sofa to the left of her. Taking Sienna's hands gently in hers to comfort her daughter.

"They will arrive in due course my dear be patient." Betsy reassured her as Sienna's eyes brimmed with tears.

Lydia obnoxiously flipped the page in her book sighing as Diana and Celia were losing interest. The occasional moan and groan came from the pair as their patience for the treats ran thin. To just put an end to the girls whining Betsy told Diana and Celia to go and find Kitty and ask for their own plates of afternoon tea delights. At the sound of that the girls sprung from their seats almost pushing each other as they raced to go and find Kitty. Lydia rolled her eyes at how childish her sisters were being. While Sienna could not shake the feeling no suitors were coming today.

"What if no one comes Mama. What am I to do then?" Sienna cries as Betsy squeezes her daughter's hand to get her to calm down.

Sienna was not usually the type of person to worry but when it came to matters of family, she always bought the worst. Maybe it was due to father's recent death Sienna worried more about terrible things happening. Which made Betsy upset to think her daughter no longer saw the world as prim and perfect like when she was little.

"You wake up tomorrow and get on with your life." Lydia remarks flipping another page of her novel not even bothering to look over at her sister. She did not see any need to as she knew what she had said would not only annoy Sienna but would annoy her mother also. Which is what she wanted as it was getting tiring listening to Sienna cry about her love life.

"Lydia there is no need to speak like that." Betsy reprimands her daughter. Lydia sighs shutting her book as she placed it on the sofa next to her.

"Mama I will be the talk of the season if no suitor calls." Sienna cries. Betsy glances between her two daughters.

One who looked like she would get more joy out of watching a duel and the other looked too distressed to even comprehend speaking to Suitors. This was the trouble of having this many children even with only two in the room Betsy was out numbered. Especially when it came to these two , having just a few years between them they could not be any more wildly different in personalities. Betsy was not in the mood to have to reprimand her daughter again she was old enough to know better than to talk that way. Even more so on an important day such as this one.

Cutting the deadly silence was the rush of Edmond storming into the drawing room. Which immediately drew both Betsy and Sienna's attention. Sienna's heart rate quickened as her palms began to warm awaiting the news from her dear brother. Judging by the scowl his face was set in and his heavy , measured breathes he was not in the best of moods. Sienna swallowed nervously as she rose from the sofa , Betsy watched on as Lydia groaned.

"You danced with Josiah." Edmond states as Sienna frowns. There was no need to be speaking about this right now the focus was meant to be on who was calling on her.

"He told me you sent him." Sienna says trying to stay calm compared to her brother who looked like he wanted to harm something. Not Sienna herself as he would need touch a hair on her head. But something that would make a satisfying smash by the look on his face to release the tension.

"Did you not think to question his intentions?" Edmond questions his fists balled at his side. It was taking all of his control to not point a finger and blame his sister. Sienna still frowned at her brother she felt very lost in this situation ; did she miss him saying anything about Mr Sutherland.

"No, I did not. I assumed you had dear brother I am sorry if I have offended you. What was I to know." Sienna holds her ground. She was not going to allow her brother to blame her for something so innocent as a dance. It was his job to be in control but he decided to run away from the ball in choice of drinking the free alcohol on offer.

"Edmond please ... Your sister is merely trying." Betsy tries to reason with her son. She knew she temperament better than he did and she was not about to clean up the mess he left.

Sienna did not deserve the treatment she was getting. The last forty-eight hours had been stressful enough for the poor girl. He was meant to ease her into this season not ruin it. Alfred was probably rolling in his grave wanting to put Edmond in his place. He may be the head of the house but this was no need to treat his younger sister.

"Mother this matter is between Sienna and I. Do you have any idea of the reputation that man holds?" Edmond snaps his hands clenching and unclenching as he spoke, his jaw almost locked into position every time he stopped to breathe.

Sienna just stood helplessly in front of him. She did not want to provoke him in any way. Having him shout at her was enough , she didn't want to see anyone or anything hurt because of her wrong doings.

"Lydia read somewhere else. Mother go with." Edmond snaps turning his attention to the other two. They did not need to be present for this. This was for Sienna's ears not theirs as everyone knows the more people present , has the risk of rumours to spread.

"Edmond." Betsy warns raising from the sofa to stand by Sienna's side. Just to feel her presence beside her Sienna calmed.

"Mother. Do you defy me as head of the house?" Edmond questions as all three of the woman gasp including Lydia.

Edmond seethed as he waited for an answer. Sienna and Betsy both looked at each other in shock. Betsy did not want to leave her daughter's side right now ; Lydia did not want to leave just to watch the perfect Sienna be pushed off her pedestal for once. Edmond stepped towards the pair of them to try and coax a reaction from the pair. Sienna's eyes pleaded with her mother's.

"No ... no . Of course, not dear. But I do believe shouting at Sienna is not something your father would have done." Betsy mumbles trying to reason with Edmond. To remind him of the example he was meant to follow.

"Sienna needs to learn." Edmond states

"Is that why no suitors have called? Because you are angry?" Sienna cuts in as Edmond nods.

She knew Edmond could be curt but to take his anger out on her was even more hurtful. To damage her own reputation as a punishment was un called for. But all she could do was go along with it. She had no other choice.

"I will allow suitors to call when I decide not when you do Sienna." Edmond ends the conversation turning away from her he headed back out of the drawing room. 

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