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The tea room was alive with both colour and people. There was a never ending stream of teas that even Sienna had not heard of. The plate of treats in the middle of the table left untouched by Sienna not even the tarts excited her today. She was too worried about everyone looking at her. Asking the question of how she had lost so much weight so quickly , had she been ill and how could they also get this mysterious illness. She kept her hands busy holding them around the china cup. It was the easiest way to hide her shaking hands and as soon as she felt a question directed at her she took a sip , smiled and nodded in agreement. Even if she did not agree it was the way all the debutantes were taught to act. Lydia still had not got that down but Sienna was quietly grateful for her contradicting anything being said especially about marriage. Taking the shine away from her was the all Sienna could ask for even if it was because Lydia was annoying the other girls. 

"I heard from Pippa that Prince Albert is on his way to London." One of the girls Trina whispers but in reality she practically exclaims to the whole room making sure everybody knew she had gossip about the gorgeous Prince Albert. 

Trina was the typical attention seeker in her garishly coloured dresses and over the top accessories. Butterflies at a tea party , Sienna knew it was meant to be beautiful but all she could pray was that they were not real. Which due to her boasting about them was getting less likely they had been made and more likely that these were butterflies who had their lives cut short for Trina's outfit. 

"PRINCE ALBERT !!!!" It seemed the whole room screamed in unison as Sienna sipped her tea keeping her mouth shut. She knew what was about to come out of their mouthes next. Their heads turning towards her like greyhounds stalking a hare. 

"So Sienna .... are Bembrooke and you official ?" Trina questions and it seemed like the whole room closed in on her. The air evaporating from her lungs as her mouth ran dry despite sipping on the drink. Her mind a whirl with what to say. Did she just give them the information they wanted to hear which was that Prince Albert was all theirs or did she think about herself and leave her options open. 

Judging by Edmond's beady eyes from across the room burning into her soul. It had to be the latter. Even though she adored Peter Bembrooke the prospects of marrying a Prince was something she could not just give up. Edmond would not allow her even with her cries and showing him Bembrooke's letters. If a Prince shows you interest then you have won the lottery and your family will never have to worry about you ever because you are set for life with a title like Princess. It is the ultimate marriage that a girl could dream of which is why all the girls needed to know where Sienna stood. She was the diamond and thus his first port of call would be to try and woo her if she was not already spoken for. 

Sienna placed the cup on the saucer placing her hands on her lap as all the girls leant forward on the chairs. Ready to hear the words fall out of Sienna's lips as it would change this afternoon completely. Would they go and get new garments made to impress the Prince or would they try and outshine Sienna. One job was obviously easier but for a Prince they were ready for the game it is what they had prepared for. She opened her mouth to speak but immediately shut it. 

"Miss Harmon a letter has arrived for you." Kitty states as Sienna glances at her. It was odd to hear Kitty speak at one of these events but she knew Edmond had sent her over with the letter as it would soften the blow. But in reality Edmond sent Kitty because he was too self absorbed and knew all the girls would try and throw themselves at him as always. 

Sienna nodded taking it from the silver plate her hands hesitating to open it. Letters where meant to be private affairs but this would be opened in front of all the debutantes of the season , their chaperones , the servants and the band. It could not be any less private , she felt trapped knowing if she excused herself to read the letter in private people would question the contents but if she stayed they would also do the same. The handwriting made her heart skip a beat it was Peter and thus she was desperate to open it. Praying it was him saying he was coming back to London that would be the dream. Carefully she opened the letter trying her best to hide it from all the prying eyes. 

Dearest Sienna , 

I hope all is well in London. How is my sister is she well ? I have not heard from her in days and I am worried. I knew I should not have left you both. Every day I go out into the garden and imagine you by my side. The doctor says mother is doing much better which hopefully means we shall be back very soon. That is if you have not already been whisked away by another. 

Sienna I - 

Sienna unfolded the last part of the paper to read the end of the letter. Her heart a flutter at the thought of him coming back to London soon. It was some of the greatest news she had heard in days maybe even weeks. To hold his hand at these events was something she was so excited for , to promenade together without a care in the world felt like a dream. 

But her dream like bubble was cut short when her eyes fell on the end of the letter. The handwriting almost the opposite of Peter's beautiful penmanship. It was frantic , almost illegible but Sienna unfortunately was used to reading her siblings poor handwriting so it was not as illegible as she hoped. 

I am so sorry to inform you Peter fell ill shortly after arriving in Ireland and has passed away alongside his mother. 

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