Part 9

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I stand there...with a confused look on my face. I know he stood up for me a few minutes ago, but that does not mean I feel any different about him.

"Riley asked me to get your details for him, for the decorations." Chris says quickly.

Like a light bulk clicked on in my head, I say – stupidly out loud, "Ooooh."

I look at Chris. A smile crosses my face. "Are you sure my contact details are for him?" I tease.

"What?" Chris's cheeks turn crimson. Is he embarrassed?

I"I am joking." I reassure him.

Chris shakes his head. "Well I need you contacted details for Riley..." Chris takes in a deep breath, "and too. Just to make sure that those girls won't be mean to you again."

I start to giggle. "Yeah...sure...If the girls are to me again." I wink at him and nudge his elbow

Chris huffs. "Gaby, I came here to get your contact details for Riley."

"Alright...sure." I say.

Within seconds, Chris flips out his phone and dials my number into his phone.

"Riley should phone later on, once you are home after school."

"Hopefully not when I am busy with my homework." I giggle.

Chris rolls his eyes. "I don't understand you Gaby."

I stop giggling immediately. "What is that supposed to mean?"

Chris holds up his hands. "Just that minutes ago, you were shoved to ground. Now you are joking with me. Is your way of coping with being bullied or something?"

I soften my face. "No. I found this funny." I point to his phone.

There is silence between us, but it does not seem to be awkward like earlier.

I break the silence. "By the way if you are here, where is Riley? Where is the car?"

"Riley needed to fetch the guitars for him and me."

And then right on cue, the BMW arrives back into the school parking lot.

Riley emerges from the car and waves at me. I wave back.

Chris starts to walk, but I grab his hand. He instantly turns around to look at me. I am as much surprised as he is at what I just did.

I let go of his hand. "Thank you...for earlier."

Chris winks. "Anytime. I am happy to help a damsel in distress." He jokes.

I smile and roll my eyes.

Chris walks toward Riley.

"We will see you later Gaby." Riley smiles at me.

I wave at him and say goodbye as the bell rings for everyone to go back to class.

I will only get my phone at the end of the day. I turn to walk back to class. mind starts to race...WHAT DID I DO? DID I REALLY GIVE CHRIS MY CONTACT DETAILS?!?

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