A new member

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I woke up in a completely different place, then I remembered that I was adopted by Preston. I stood up, put on a pair of blue jeans, a 'The Pack' t-shirt and tied my hair into a ponytail. Just as I was going to open the door I heard voices outside "You sure she isn't awake yet, Preston?" Rob asked "Nah, I know my own daughter, she probably doesn't wake up 'till later." Preston said "Wait, so the new member is your daughter?" Vikkstar asked "Yeah, why?" Preston said "Well maybe you didn't fudging told us that!" Lachlan said "Sorry! I wanted it to be a surprise to everyone!" Preston said "Did someone say surprise?" Jerome said, after that I heard someone fell "Wait for me dood!" Mitch said followed by another person falling sound "C'mon let's knock on Hannah's door then we'll hide behind those boxes near her room! We'll surprise her!" Rob said "Okie! Lezzzgoooo!" Mitch said "Shhhh! You don't wanna wake her up dood." Preston whispered, just as they were about to knock I opened the door and surprised them "SURPRISE!" I yelled at them "AAAH!!!" they all screamed in unison as I laughed "Guys, I was listening the whole time!" I giggled "Purrston! You said you know your daughter!" Vikkstar said "I do! Why'd you wake up early anyway?" Preston asked me "I wake up early in places I'm not familiar with just yet!" I said "Well," Preston said "At least you're wearing an awesome shirt." "Yay!" I said "Quick! Let's go on an adventure downstairs!" I said as all the guys carried me as I squirmed "Let go!" I laughed "Nu! You is darude for scaring I!" Lachlan said "Fine, that's how you're gonna play, huh?" I said as I grabbed onto the stair handle thingie (Still don't know what that's called) and pulled myself on it "I think I'm too good at escaping guys, or you all just have butter fingers!" I said sliding down to the bottom "Wow! Darude!" Jerome said "You might wanna turn around there, girl." Rob said, I turned around and saw a sign saying 'Welcome to The Pack!' "I'm one of the pack now?!" I gasped "Yup!" Preston said "Yay!" I yelled jumping on Jerome's back "Bacca! Away!" "Yes ma'am!" Jerome said running around carrying me on his back "We got us some bacca land! Move away! There's a new member!" I shouted as everyone cheered

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