Chapter 3

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Izuku's p.o.v.

Every day i was injected with different sirums and left in a cage...

but one day as i was sitting there an alarm went off so got scared because this had never happened before so i was terrified  untill their was gas so i calmed down because his happened every day but someone said "Dont dreath it in its poison!!!" so i didnt because i thought it was a test but before i knew it i passed out

when i woke i was in an actual bed but the light was blinding so i fludered my eyes a little to get used to the light when i saw a man in all black with a grey scarf (i bet u know who it is 😏😏) and he said "are you ok, what is your name?"in a worried tone so i replied how i normally do to any question "i am test number 18 and i am required to stay in a cage" i said with no emotion but then he said "no, your real name" so i said "i-izuku" in a shaky voice thinking he would hit me but he didnt,instead he said "im the underground hero Eraserhead and im  the one who is going to taking to be taking care of you when you get out of the hospital. Also,you will be living with two other people wich you will meet later" so i nodded my head and felt a bit relived that i got out of the reched lab

(time skip brought to u by shindeku ❥)

Aziwa p.o.v

As im finally takung him home from the hospital i start to think 'i wonder if he'll like mic and shin' as i drive him to his new home.when we arive i see shinsow in the window with a sort of exited look on his face so i park and  help izuku out of the car and walk up to the house.when we walk in i see mic with his hair in a bun cooking food and shin walking up to izuku when i feel izuku's hand start to shake out of fear so i say "hey its ok to be scared after all you've been through"in a conserning  voice, and in responce he nods his head and says "o-ok.....can i have some food?" and of course i say "yes you can do all you want is safe" so he runs to the kitchen and sees  mmi cooking so he says "umm....can i have some...please" so he turns and says "of corse you can just let me finish cooking it i dont want you to eat grose food!" in a happy tone so he looks around and walks over to shinsow and says "im you ...want" so shin says "yeah that would be wonderful" so they start to get along sobi walk into thw kitchen and say "hey honey what do you think of him" while i wrap my arms around his waist indecating that i want cuddles after food and he replies "hes a bit timid but that was expected" and kisses me on the cheek

Izus p.o.v sry for the changes

As im talking with the purple haired boy i ask "w-whats your name?" so he says "oh sorry i forgot,im shinsow but you can call me shin if you want" and suddenly i hear "hey kids food is done come to the kitchen" in a loud voice but in a friendly tone so i dont get scared and just get exited to eat real food for once so i run to the kitchen but i relized thar i had teleported to the kitchen acedentally and azaiwa goes wide eyed and i start to get scared because i had never done it before but tjwn i hear shin say "thats so cool izu i didnt know you could teleport" and oddly it helped heaeing him say that so i replie with "i didn't either"

Srry its short but ill try to post more frequently have a good day

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