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Wilbur is dead to the world, Phil almost gets folded by the tall man, and Techno bully's British children.

"Hey Wil? You wanna come downstairs and join us? We're going to watch a movie." Phil says knocking on Wilburs bedroom door, he waits a minute for any sign of noise inside before knocking again. "Wil? You in there mate?" Waiting again he goes and opens the door. "I'm coming in." Slowly he opens the door to the dark room, the only light coming from the computer in the corner of the room.

Phil flicks on the light, looking around the messy room before his gaze lands on the still figure. sitting in an office chair at the desk was Wilbur, slouched over and probably asleep. Phil lets out a small chuckle and walks over to the musician, he shakes the tall males shoulder hoping for a response, all Phil gets is a grumble of nonsense as Wilbur turns his head away from him. The dirty blonde lets out a sigh shaking the tall mans shoulder again.

"Cmon Wilbur lets get you out of this room, you've been in here for long enough." He tries again Wilbur lets out a whine but lifts his head slightly. He looks at Phil, tired brown eyes lazily looking at him, barely even open. the musician lets out a yawn slowly stands up. Leaning heavily on Phil the two of them slowly make there way downstairs to the living room.

Upon entering the room the first thing they were greeted with was a pillow straight to Wilburs face, all activity in the room came to a sudden stop. The people in there, Techno, Tommy and Tubbo look at each other as they realize who they hit. Well, mostly Tommy and Tubbo as Wilbur would never stand a chance against Techno.

"Uhh... heyyy Wi-Wilbur, uuuhhh sorry?" Tommy says giving a fake sorry look. The brunette drowsily smiles at him and gives a lazy wave. "Mmm itss finne tom o..." he mumbles slouching even more into Phil, Tommy gives Phil a look and opens his mouth to say something but is beaten to it.

"Is Wilbur ok?"

Phil gives a small smile to tubbo. "Yeah, Wils fine he's just really tired," is all Phil's says. As if to make his point even more true, Wilbur completely collapses on Phil, the blonde grunts as he almost gets dragged to the ground. Techno stands up from his spot on the couch and walks over to the two. He gives a look to Phil and goes to Wilburs side, taking his arm and putting it around his shoulder.

"Here, Phil I'll take sleeping beauty and can you get snacks in the kitchen, we'll pick a movie" the pinkette says as he cautiously makes his way back to the couch, Phil gives him a nod and leaves the room but not without yelling back to him. "It Tubbo's turn to pick a movie!" Tubbo perks up looking straight at Tommy, they stare at each other for a good minute then bolt to the Where the CDs are.

Techno shakes his head at the 2 teens and continue the trek to the couch. "Cmon Wil, let's get you to the couch, you want a blanket?" Techno says looking down at the brown mop of hair, it bobs up indicating a yes from the sleep deprived man. The pinkette lets out a chuckle, they finally reach the couch and plops Wil on it. Grabbing a couple throw pillows and a blanket from the ground, Techno moves Wilbur into a more comfortable position and swaddles him in the blanket, he places the pillows around Wil so that he doesn't fall of the couch.

Satisfied with his work he turn to the 2 kids wrestling on the floor.

"We are not watching Kung fu panda 2 again!"

"Why not!? We had to watch the dumb movie you picked 5 times!"

"Well yeah!! Moana is a good movie!"

'Wow these kids are dumb' Techno heaves out a sigh walking over to the 2 kids, he grabs the CDs there fighting over and bonks them on the head with it. "Look, I love fighting as much as the next guy but you two are really annoying me, so why don't we do a compromise? We watch Tubbos movie then we can watch yours, got it?" He says sternly giving a look to both of the boys, he gets a grumbled 'yes' from both boys and lets out a relieved sigh.

The pinkette plops himself next to the sleeping Wilbur, he then puts the musician head in his lap. "Awww is Techy being a good brother?" He throws the CDs in his hand at Tommy.

"Ow! What the fuck man?!"

"You deserve it child."

Alright that's all I can think of for now hope y'a like it

Honestly I have head canoned that when C!Wilbur is tired he becomes a sloth and just clings to people.

I just looked at this again and I found so many mistakes, this is what happens when you write at midnight

Yayyy I fixed it, Jesus rereading that was the worst I'm so sorry to the people who read it before

Byee 🏳️‍🌈🐸🏳️‍🌈

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