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So. I was bored and decided that i'm going to post all of my not finished fics. I give permission for people to do whatever with this since I am never going to finish this or any of my other drafts, just please give me credit if people do decide to do whatever with this fic. Alrighty! into the story that is not finished!

Wilbur gets a concussion and has a hard time trying to understand that

Also I've never gotten a concussion but I've been close to so I'm going off of experience and from the little stuff I've read about

Kinda an au where non of the wars have happened but all the dream smp live in this town and are friends and shit idk, just no ones fighting each other.
Wilbur knew he fell.

He knew he fell and landed hard.

What he didn't know was why everyone was fussing over him.

Why where people swarming him the minute he fell? Why did his head go numb the second he hit the ground? Why can't he see proper-

"Wil hey, you still there?"

The brunet shifts his gaze looking into the eyes of the king, Eret, when did Eret get here? Isn't he running a kingdom? Wait...

"Wilbur? C'mon buddy we're worried for ya."

"Wha-uh, have you always ha- um had...had glasses?"

The kings eyebrows scrunch together, he shifts to look over his shoulder and mutters something to someone. Hold on... there's other people here? Wait. Where is here?

"Um, Eret, where am I?" The brunette says squinting his eyes to try and see better, the king stops the conversation and looks back to Wilbur, they crouch down to where the musician is sitting 'when was I sitting?' And puts their hands on his shoulders, making sure his attention was directed at them.

"Your under the bridge next to Tommy's place, you had a pretty bad fall and hit your head." She pauses and looks behind her shoulder, probably being talked to as the muttering that was going through one ear and out the other was any giveaway. He realized just how tired he was, 'maybe I can take a small nap while they talk.'

Eret turns back to him, letting out a string of curses and starts shaking Wilbur awake. He whines and shakes his head, which he instantly regrets, he gets hit with a wave of nausea but quickly swallows it down. he weakly swats Eret's hands away but giving up after his sad attempts fail. The king lets out a sigh in relief, shaking the brunette again they say.

"C'mon Wil, stay awake for me, it's not safe for you to fall asleep we got to get you back up the hill to get your head treated."

The lanky brunette slowly peels open his eyes, a confused look is set on his face. 'His head? What happened to his head?' Wilbur tilts to the right slightly, trying to see behind Eret but not realizing how unsteady he was and almost falls fully onto the ground, he closes his eyes and waits for the pain but it never comes.

He tries to open his eyes to see what saved him but his eyelids felt like lead, instead the brunette tries and listens to what's going on around him. Muddled words filter through his head barely processing what is being said.

" Lo———head injury———support h—————take——castle?"

"—————Carefu—————has———shi——passed out?"

Something pokes his shoulder once, then again, and again, and again till he finally moves his head trying open his eyes to look at whoever is poking him but failing miserably and deciding to just mumble profanity's under his breath. He hears someone let out a sigh and the low murmur of talking starts up again, he doesn't try to understand what there saying, too preoccupied with not falling asleep again.

Wilbur tries to open his eyes and gets some luck, slowly he opens his right,  then his left eye and tries to look around. He lets out a small whine when he realizes everything is to blurry now to see.

The curly haired man feels someone tap his cheek, he blinks a couple of times, trying to clear his vision of the blurry mess and succeeding slightly. Everything was still oddly blurred but not as bad to were he couldn't see. Upon seeing who it was he lets out a groan.

"Outta any-anybody it had be te-no?" He mutters squinting his eyes at the red and pink person in front of him as if that would help him figure out who it is. Pinky snorts and shifts slightly. "Yep, its me Wilbur. We gotta get you to Eret's castle to check out that head of yours. I'm gonna lift ya in a few seconds so prepare yourself." He says and Wilbur takes a moment to process what the Pinkett is saying. when it finally registers he's already in Techno's arms being slowly and carefully(as careful you can be when your wearing a huge ass cape, techno) taken up the hill.

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