Chapter 17

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I stared at Gerard while he took the first bite of the pancake I made for him.

"I'm not hungry now, can I please it this later?" Gerard looked at the tiny piece of pancake on the fork like it was his worst enemy

I glared at him knowing that I wasn't in the mood to argue after what happen yesterday when he ran off.

He sighed and stuffed the pancake into his mouth.

"Morning" Ray smiled pouring himself a cup of coffee

"Bleh" Gerard groaned

"So what's the plan for our first day off?" Ray chuckled and sat down beside me

"I don't mind" I smiled but still keeping my eye on Gerard

"We could do some sight seeing! I want to visit Big Ben!"

"Okay" I giggled at Ray's excitement

"Fuck sake are we seriously out of milk" Frank cursed bending down to look in the little fridge

"Yeah, Mikey chugged down the last of it yesterday" Ray explained

"Well he can fucking get some more. Mikey! Get your ass up now" Frank shouted walking back up the bus.

"As you can see we are all morning people!" Ray grinned

I looked over at Gerard who was swallowing the last of his pancake.

"Happy now?" He glared at me

"Yes, yes I am. Thank you" I held his hand

"I'm going back to bed" He stood up and tossed his plate in the sink

"Wait, do you not want to do something today with me. I came here to spend time with you" I looked down disappointingly

"Yeah, okay. Just let me get dressed" He gave me a weak smile and stomped back to his bunk.

We walked around the city taking in all the sights. I looked at Gerard who was slowly getting in a better mood. I forced him to take a shower and look for clean clothes. I knew that would improve his mood.

"Hey, I see a mall let's check it out" I smiled crossing the street with Gerard following me

"I don't think they call them malls here. I think they're called shopping centers" Gerard said looking up at the building.

"Tomato tomato. Its all the same" I smiled walking into the entrance

We walked through the building looking at the different shops. I felt someone's fingers intertwine with mine. I looked down to see Gerard holding my hand. I looked up to see him smiling down at me.

"I'm sorry I've been a cunt lately" Gerard bit his lip

"It's okay, I hate seeing you like this" I squeezed his hand

"I know. I love you"

"I love you too" I hugged his waist feeling his arms wrap around my shoulders. We stood like that for awhile. I missed being in Gerard's arms so much,

I turned around and saw a fancy dress shop

"Oh my god, we have to go in here" I grabbed his hand leading him in the shop

The shop was cluttered with random clothes. There was cash register in the back with a old lady doing a cross word

"Hello" She smiled looking over her glasses

"Hi" We replied.

Gerard went over and wrapped a pink feathered boa posing like the sass master he is.

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