Chapter 22

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I swept up the dirt that was lying under the shelves, finding price tags and piece of paper. It was a quiet day at the shop and for some reason Malcolm was here even though it was a Wednesday. I didn't care though. I haven't seen mom all day and was starting to wonder where was she. As I went across the shop sweeping I felt Malcolm's eyes on me. I tried to ignore his obvious stare but it was digging into my skin. I looked over at him to see he wasn't behind the cash register anymore. I gasped feeling hot breath behind my ear. I felt someone's presence behind me. I froze, afraid to even breathe.

"Do you really love him?" Malcolm whispered into my ear

I could feel my heart begin to race, the hairs on my arm started to rise. 

"What?" I said barely audible but knowing what he was talking about.

"You heard me"  Malcolm seductively said leaned down and kissed my neck lightly

"I-I ca-" I turned around

"Shhh" Malcolm raised his finger to my lips telling me to stay quiet . "I know what you think of me, I see the way you look at me. You thought I didn't notice?" Malcolm walked around but paused when stood in front of me. "Didn't you?" He leaned in, our lips inches apart. I looked into his light blue eyes that were usually covered by his jet black hair. 

I sucked in air, my mind going blank. His smelt so good. He smelt like Gerard. I felt his hand on my waist. He looked at my lips. He leaned in......

"Oh my God!" I sat up, my heart beating way too fast. I was in a cold sweat. I looked down to comfort myself that it was only a dream and that I was in bed. 

For the rest of the night I was staring at my wall, not able to stop my mind from thinking. The dream felt so real. What was wrong with me? I don't even like Malcolm. Why am I even dreaming about him. I loved Gerard. 

I turned around in my bed to check the time. 7:20am

I have been laying in bed for hours on end waiting to hear mom get up and take her morning shower. I wasn't in the mood to wait any longer. 

I got up and pulled a hoodie over my head. I went into the kitchen to see that the sun was only beginning to rise. I made coffee and sat down. I stared at my mug thinking. 

"Morning Honey" Mom yawned tying her robe over her. "You're up early" She clicked on the kettle

"Huh? Um... Yeah, I- Em... I couldn't sleep" I mumbled taking a sip of my now cold coffee.

"Nightmares?" Mom asked staring out the window

"You could say that" I got up and washed my mug 

I went back to my room and got dressed. I looked at my phone to see that it was Thursday.

"Oh no..." I moaned bringing my hand to my face 

I went to the shop and did my usual chores dreading for 5pm to come. I was hoping that Malcolm would call in sick today or maybe some miracle that he moved away or something like that. But no, he came in with his smooth walk and went into the back to take off his jacket and so forth. 

I started at my unactive phone hoping that he wouldn't realise that I'm actually playing Candy Crush. I watched, from the corner of my eye, him set up the supplies and chairs for the art lesson. 

"Lisa, can you sweep the floor before that customers arrive?" Mom asked concentrating on the bills

"Uhh.. Um.. I can't" I stuttered taking a glance at Malcolm who was picking out some paint brushes

"Why not?" Mom looked up from the book over her glasses

"I- Um....Er... Th- The brush is gone" I said making up lame excuses as I went

"Lisa, don't be silly the brush is here, just do a quick sweep" Mom handed me the brush.

I looked up at Malcolm who was now looking at me and smirking. I was blushing but I don't know why. I was suddenly nervous in front of him. What was wrong with me? Why was I suddenly like this after a stupid dream. I started sweeping at the opposite end of the shop to where he was. When the doorbell rang, relief  over took my body. 

I finished sweeping the floor and told mom that I was leaving. I grabbed my bag and coat and rushed out of the shop before Malcolm even noticed I was gone. I ran home feeling confused and upset even though nothing happened. I loved Gerard. I know I do but why did the dream have such an affect on me today. I wanted to go home and Skype Gerard but I knew I wouldn't be able to get in contact with him. I just wanted to hear his voice. The only way that was possible was by blaring My Chemical Romance in my room. It was the only thing to make me feel better. 

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