fifth x phase x part x two

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It is now time for the next fight, Kurapika vs Hisoka. Honestly I think this'll be an interesting fight

Referee: start

The two fighters go at it and end up being a quite even in power despite Hisoka having just a little bit an upper hand thanks to his experience. Still, it was interesting to watch the two clash and counterattack each other's weapons. In the middle of the fight Hisoka whispered something in Kurapika's ear causing his eyes to turn scarlet, then Hisoka admitted defeat. It was weird, but hey, Kurapika won so no complaints on my end

Next up was Gon vs Hanzo. The moment the referee allowed the two to begin, Gon charged at Hanzo and tried to attack but Hanzo being the strategical fighter he is, ended up countering all of Gon's strikes, it was just brutal. Hanzo gives Gon a hard strike to the back of his neck making him fall over

Azuki: brutal-

Killua: that was hard-

Kurapika: yeah-

Leorio: I hope he's okay-

Hanzo:*to Gon* you have now lost your sense of vision. What are you gonna do now?

Gon, despite the situation he's in, doesn't give up and keeps trying to fight

Hanzo: just give up

Gon: no! I'm never giving up!

Gon stands up and tries to attack again but Hanzo, being the speedy guy he is, avoids the attack and strikes Gon in one of his ears

Azuki: such bloodshed, I wonder how much longer he can handle this

It's now been about three hours of Hanzo torturing Gon, Hanzo got very irritated and put Gon's hand behind his back

Hanzo: if you don't give up, I'll break your hand

Gon: break it! I'm not giving up!

Hanzo just sighs and breaks his hand

Gon: OW!

Hanzo: so do you give up now?

Gon:*quietly* no......way

Hanzo then starts droning on about ninjas and crap like that. Nothing really interesting, but once Hanzo starts balancing on his index finger Gon kicks him in the face and he falls to the floor bleeding

Azuki: that's it Gon! Kick his ass!

Everyone looks at me

Azuki: what?

Hanzo: I knew you were gonna do that

Leorio: ha! Liar!

Hanzo: I'm gonna make sure that you can't walk anymore after this, but please before that, just say "I surrender"

Gon: that doesn't sound too good, I don't want my legs chopped off and I don't want to give up either. Let's find another way to settle this

Hanzo: you-, what makes you in any position to negotiate?! Ugh! You keep making fun of me I'm gonna cut you for real

Gon: but if you cut me, you'll be disqualified and that won't be good for the both of us

Everyone bursts out laughing at Gon's sheer ridiculousness and audacity, even I get a good chuckle out of this

Hanzo: you know I can kill you now and come back next year to the exam. So it's better if you give up now

Leorio: oi! Don't touch Gon, bastard!

Azuki: Leorio you're not allowed to interfere with the fight, don't throw your chance to get your license

Gon:*to Hanzo* No. I don't wanna die, and I don't wanna give up either!

Misfortune (Hunter x Hunter x female OC)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن