Crow x On x A x Boat

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Narrator: It's a normal evening on whale island, the birds are singing, the sun is shining, and overall everyone is just having a great time. Honestly I don't see how anyone could ruin it-

Shopkeeper: stop, thief!

Narrator: Oh yeah, her.....

A girl with a dark gray hoodie with black knee high stockings and black shoes with a black mini-skirt is seen Naruto running with a banana and a bottle of water in her hands. Her eyes have a shadow covering them but from what is seen of her face, she looks around 13-14 years old. She jumps on to a lamppost and starts eating her banana

Shopkeep: Hey! Get down from there you no good thief!

Hoodie girl: hey a no good thief would've been caught by now. I'm a great thief.

After finishing her banana she drops the peel on the shopkeeper's head and starts jumping from lamp post to lamp post as the shopkeep struggles to catch up with her. Finally, the girl disappears into the crowd as the shopkeep starts pushing past the crowd only to get buried within it. The shopkeeper looks around to see that the girl is sitting legs crossed on a lamppost tossing her bottle of water in her hand. She speaks with a blank expression but with a hint of smugness in her voice

Hoodie girl: careful old man. You might get smothered by the crowd

Shopkeep: grr.....

Hoodie girl: well as much as I like to mess with you some more. I think I should take my leave.

The girl jumps down from the post and elegantly lands behind a wooden box. A black flash can be seen from behind the crate as a crow flies from behind it. As it turns out the hoodie girl somehow turned into a bird. The girl flies to a manhole and uncovers it, she then drops down not before closing it as she gets in. Luckily for her, the manhole wasn't in a very crowded place. The girl drops down into the sewers and opens her stolen bottle of water before taking a sip out of it, she savors the refreshing taste of the water even though it doesn't taste like much

Hoodie girl: another successful heist.......I guess

The girl walks to a neat pile of old newspapers made into a beanbag shape and flops down on it with a relaxed sigh, she then takes off her hood revealing her beautiful short auburn hair and green eyes. Now, you're probably wondering just who the hell this girl is, or you already figured it out and are waiting for me to stop hiding her name. Well it's me, Azuki Shimizu, you kinda already know my backstory so let's just get on with it yeah?

I take another sip of my water and think about what the hunter exam will hold for me, I mean I already know I'm gonna pass so I don't know where to go from there. I stare into my reflection in my recently cleaned shovel

Azuki:*sigh* I guess I'll just have to wait......

I peep through the manhole and see that the sun went down so I get comfortable in my pile of newspapers and go to sleep, after all, I have a big day tomorrow.

*The next day*

I put on my hoodie to conceal my identity and go on to the boat with my shovel in my holster. There's a lot of people on the boat, none of which I know the identity of, not that I care one way or another. I sit down and start drawing random stuff in my notebook, it's definitely a great pastime for long trips.

Azuki:*thinks* I wonder what kind of challenges I'm gonna face in this exam. Oh well, it's doesn't matter, after all it's not like I'm gonna fail or anything

After a bit it started storming, while the rocking of the boat made most people feel sea sick. There were a few including myself that weren't fazed by it. I go to the lower deck so that I don't get my notebook wet.

I continue drawing until a spikey haired kid with a fishing rod comes up to me, I can already tell by his face that he's gonna be a pain in the ass

Fishing rod kid: hey! My name is Gon freecs, I saw that you got on the boat from whale island

As much as I don't want to, I decide to give him a little bit of my precious time.

Azuki: yeah I'm from whale island, what of it?

Gon: I'm from whale island too! So what's your name?

Azuki: Azuki Shimizu

Gon: Cool! But uhh........why do you have a shovel

Azuki: Well, why do you have a fishing rod?

Gon: hmmm.......good point

Azuki:*thinks* this guy's dumb as bricks

Annoyed, I get up from my spot and go to and area of the lower deck

Gon: Wait, where are you going?

Azuki: somewhere with less extroverts

I walk to another room and see a blonde boy reading a book and another guy eating an apple

Gon: awww, c'mon Azuki! Why are you being so cold?!

Just wanting this guy to go away(and also not wanting my misfortune to rub onto him) I decide to give him a reason to not like me

Azuki: It's my way of making friends, pretty cruel right?

Gon: not really, we all have our ways of making friends!

I just roll my eyes at that statement realizing I probably won't be able to get rid of this kid for a while. Luckily he left me alone for a bit and went to help some of the sea sick passengers. Just then the captain of the boat called me, Gon the blonde, and the apple eating guy over to the Captain's quarters.

Captain: Why do you want to become hunters?

There is silence between the four of us until Gon speaks up

Gon: my dad left me when I was a baby because he wanted to be a hunter, I wanna be a hunter so I can find him and ask. Why?

Azuki:*thinks* tch, imagine having parents

Apple guy: hey you don't just do what people tell you to do!

Gon: why?

I start to zone out not really interested in anyone's motives. I only choose to listen again once the captain speaks

Captain: The hunter exam starts now you know. I'm a part of the hunter's association and I pick who goes, so you better tell me your reasons.

Apple guy: I'm Leorio, and I want to become a hunter because you can get a lot of money and money can buy everything!

When I hear this I start to get a little pissed, I really don't like people with this type of mindset. I open my mouth to say something but the blonde boy speaks up

Blonde boy: money can buy you anything, bit it can't buy you class

Leorio: What did you say?!

Blonde boy: my name is Kurapika, I want to become a blacklist hunter so I can get my revenge on the phantom troupe. They killed my clan for their scarlet eyes, I'm the only survivor left.

Everyone looks at me clearly interested in what my goal is

Azuki: me? I dunno, it just seemed interesting

Gon: That's it......?

Azuki: yep, now if that's all you wanted captain, I'm gonna go back to my favorite hobby. Being alone.

I leave the Captain's quarters and go back to what I was doing before. Apparently two of the three idiots got into a fight and almost got knocked off the boat. Man, if this is our standard for good hunters, no wonder this country's screwed.

We get off the boat and as the captain waves goodbye to us we get off the boat. This exam has been easy so far, not having much of a challenge is kinda boring.

Misfortune (Hunter x Hunter x female OC)Where stories live. Discover now