Chapter 4

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Lucas (POV)

"Thank you so much Ashleigh!"
" Go get your girl.."

I hugged her then shook her fathers hand.

I called a Uber and went to my house. I went in and hugged my mom and dad. I talked with them for a hour about my life.

" I need to say hi to Y/N." I said

" go ahead." Mom smiled

I got into my car. " I have missed you."

In LA I have to Uber everywhere or buy a rental. I missed having my old car.

I was standing outside. Y/N mom came outside where I was.

" Lucas! Come in!"

I walked inside and looked around.

" Where's Ed?" I asked
" On another business trip. I swear that boss of his wants him to come for no reason some times." She laughed and I smiled.

I looked around again. " Y/N usually comes down when she hears my name. Where is she?"

"She is returning something to Evie. She will be back soon. But for now you can get comfy."

"Thanks for the offer but I am going to stand so that I don't get knocked over" I laughed

Mis. L/N laughed along with me.

I heard her car park. I had a Rose on the table ready for her. I was going to tell her that I like her.

She walked in. But she was crying. I hugged her tight. Why was she crying?! Did Evie say something to her?

" I'm so happy your here" she said

" You don't look like it" I laughed

We talked then I realized she still had tears in her face. I used my thumb to wipe them away.

I helped her pack and talk about the Umbrella Academy. Then we watched a movie. I wanted to pull a move on her then I noticed that the bowl of pop corn was on the other side of her. I put my arm around her grabbed a pice and kept my arm there. I saw her glance over at me. Then again.

" Can't keep your eyes off me can you." I laughed

She laughed too. I wanted to say something to her but I didn't know what to say.

During our second movie I told her that she looked beautiful tonight and that I wished that we could spend more time together. I froze waiting for her response. She laughed then said me two.

I smiled then said, " What if we add something?" I saw that she froze and looked at me.

" What is it?" She asked
" let me get it." I said

I walked out to my car then came in with alcohol.

" What about my mom!"

I placed down the bottle then walked up to her moms room. I could hear snoring so I knew she was asleep. I walked back down and gave her a we're good look. She smiled then opened the bottle.

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