Chapter 7

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My Trailer

It has been one week and no emails or calls. I had thought that I hit it off with Aidan but apparently not. I was not angry, why was I not going anywhere! Then I heard a knock on my door and outside of it was Aidan.

" Hello Aidan." I said
" Hi, I guess you have been wondering if you got the part."
" Only for three months." I laughed and he smiled.
" You seem like the perfect part for Dolores and that's why.... you got the part!"

I was so happy that I jumped into his arms. He was a good hugger and he smelled nice too.

"Thank you so much!" I smiled at him the biggest smile I had. " Sorry you probably don't want to be hugged."

" It's alright." He smiled back.


I hit the alarm to turn it off. I woke up then got dressed.

" Oh shit I'm gonna be late." I said as I was stuffing stuff into my bag.

I ran outside and waited for a Uber.

" Hey Y/N!"

I looked around and saw Aidan. Getting into a car.

" U can come with me if you want." He stepped out and waited till I walked over.

" Thank you so much."
" You might want to cancel that." He grabbed my phone and hit cancel on the Uber app.

Once we got to set he showed me around and showed me my trailer. I walked in and jumped up and down.

" I love it!" I sat down on the couch and saw Aidan smile at me.
" I'm glad you like it."

We held a smile together for a moment until he broke the silence.

" Well I will see you at hair and makeup."

I waved as he walked out. Then saw what I was going to wear. It was a ripped polka-dot shirt, and jeans with one big hole. I got dressed then went to the hair and makeup trailer.

" Y/N I can help you here."
I walked over and saw my seat. She started doing my makeup very gently.

" Y/N, follow me on set." Aidan said.
We walked into a store that had two mannequins and a spot for me.

" Action"

" Five I don't think this will work."
" Try it!"

Special effects

"Cut, Y/N get up on the step. Now.... Action!"
" Five I don't think this will work."
" Try it!"

Special effects again

" Dolores!"

We hugged.

" Let's get you home and I will tell you everything."

" Cut! Great job! Let's try it again."

Three other takes later...

I was walking back to the makeup place to get fake blood on me. While the makeup artist did my makeup me and Aidan practiced lines.

"How will I fall again?" I asked
" like this." Aidan fell back in his chair and almost fell over till I grabbed his hand to hold him up.

" Thanks." He mumbled
"No problem." I smiled then heard a call come from my phone.

" Hi Evie!"
" Girl school sucks without you."
" I bet it dose." I laughed.
" Oh shut up." She laughed back.

" Y/N it's time to go."
" Ok. Bye Evie."
" Byeee."

" Your stunt double is going to fall into that hole and that's how your gonna catch yourself, then act scared, then fall."
" Got it."

The hole was green screen but I got butterfly's when I was picked up for practice. We also had to practice the drop without me screaming.

" Action"

I got lifted into the air too far up
And got scared, but they then dropped to high so I was still flying. Then they dropped me again onto the ground.

" Cut! That was a mess up but great acting. Keep it up Y/N."

We took five more takes to get it right then I was allowed to go home.

I went to my Hotel and started practicing lines.

" Yea I'm..."

I head a knock. I looked through the door and saw Evie.

" Evie what the hell are you doing here!" I laughed.
" I wanted to surprise you. U have been gone for two weeks."

We laughed then hugged.

" so where are the cute boys?"
" Evie!"
" what!"
" You have a boyfriend!"
" Ya but he won't be here till tomorrow."
" Oh my gosh."

We both laughed again.

" Oh ya here's the pictures you wanted to print out."
"I saw one with Lucas."
"Yea there's like three of him."
" But I saw one one with you kissing his cheek."
" Oh yea.. that was on the flight."
" Are you two!?"
"No we're not dating."
" Ohh......."

Evie laughed. "But what about his gf."
" He doesn't have a gf."

Then she showed me a picture of him. I was heartbroken.

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