Part 1

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Yolo, please don't expect this to be good because I have no writing skills and zero concentration so for all we know this book could end up with someone dying and us finding out a whole backstory for two characters while another one gets killed sooooo. Anyways on with the chaosssssss!

3rd person Pov:

Sugawara (idk how to spell so plz don't judge me) was excited for the sleepover, Daichi however, was not so positive about what was to come of the night. Suga and him had decided to hold a huge sleepover, since Sugas parents weren't home, and he heavily regretted the decision. He loved his team, but they had a habit of getting a

He was also dreading the fact that Suga had had the magnificent idea to invite other teams too.

He looked over at Suga, who was currently laying out snacks on the table, and sighed, wanting to have a nice, quiet night in instead of a loud night where people would almost definitely end up doing something he would regret later. Scrap that, he already regretted it.

The doorbell rang and Suga put down the snacks and went to open it, smiling as Nishinoya bounded in with Asahi apologetically walking in afterward with a shy smile on his face. He and Noya has been to Sugas house before so he had no trouble navigating the way to Sugas living room and sitting down to wait for the others to arrive.

*:.. o(▽≦)o ..:*
Time Skip

Kageyama Pov:

I watched as Hinata, aka my crush, rang the doorbell to Sugas house, I suspected we were the last to arrive as we were quite late thanks to Hinata forgetting his bag, which wasn't necessarily a problem cause I got to spend more time with him.

As we walk in I see two things, first, yes I was right that unless someone unexpected was gonna show up, me an Hinata were the last to arrive. Second, I saw Salty blushing, which blew my mind because I didn't even know salty had a heart, let alone that he liked someone.

(Tsukki stans please I apologise for the upcoming Tuskishima slander in the next few chapters 😔🤚🏻)

My attention soon dinosaur wannabe as I heard a shriek from the kitchen. I ran in and saw Suga looking at empty bowls and plates as Hinata and Noya ate the last of the food.

"How did you even manage to eat all this?!"

"It's a skill."

I mentally facepalmed at this and decided it would be safest to stay away from Suga as he looked like he was about to explode. I backed out of the kitchen into the living room where Dinoshima™️, Kuroo, Akaashi and Bokuto were sitting in a circle talking. I spot Kenma on his games console next to Kuroo and see Yamaguchi, (how in the hell do you spell Yamagucci?!) Asahi, Daichi, Ennoshita, Tanaka, Oikawa and Iwazumi playing some sort of game with their fingers.

I decide to try and engage in the latter conversation as I decide it will probably be safer and overall more clean and pure than the others.

I scoot in between Asahi and Ennoshita,


A chorus of hello's are said back to me.

"What game are you guys playing?"

"Join in Kageyama," Ennoshita says. "I think you'll like it!"

"Hmph fine"

I quickly glance around the circle and everyone is grinning like crazy, I start to wonder I this was the safest conversation.

"HINATAAAAAA!" Oikawa shouts, only to be swiftly ✨whacked ✨ in the back of the head by Iwazumi. Hinata bounces into the room and plops down next to me looking expectantly at Oikawa.

"Tsukkishimaaaaaa!" Shouts Tanaka beckoning him over.

I watch confused as Saltyshima comes and sits down next to Yamaguchi, "What do you want?"

"Tsukki don't be rude" says Yamaguchi sternly.

Beanpole just snorts and looks at Oikawa expectantly, "so?"

"Let's play truth or dare..."

Lmao idk why I made that so dramatic! The list of people who are at the sleepover right now is:
From Karasuno:

From Nekoma:

From Fukurodani:
Akaashi (or AGAAAASHI, your preference.)

From Aoba Josai (lmao how do you spell that?!)

I may or may not be planning to add more characters ;)
Also if you have any character requests or scene/game requests please say so that I can keep the story interesting!

(734 words, damn)

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