Shirazaki Yamada? Who's that?

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Props to Minecuberif for making this. I actually just edited some stuff here. Have fun!

Oct 04, 2020 1:01 PM

3rd POV

Calli was checking her phone, but Aki went to take out the trash.

"Calli? Mind helping me with the trash?

Calli put her phone down.

"Sure, darling."

Aki deadpanned.

"That's something you don't actually say all the time."

"Just wanted to fuck around."

They laughed.

They then went through the door.

While they were making their way to the door, a certain bodybuilder that was watching from the rooftops spied on them through a window...

"Hmm...time to test if I can really fuck with the universes..."

Mr. Weeaboo snapped his fingers, and they went through the door.

He clicked his tongue, and jumped in happiness.

"Oh yes! I really can do it!" He laughed.

"Well...this just might work for my plan..."

"This time, I definitely won't lose."

As Aki and Calli went outside, they threw the trash.

Aki swiped his hands together twice.

"There we go! Garbage thrown!" Aki said.

"You do know you unconsciously rhymes there, right? There we go? Garbage thrown?"

"If I unconsciously rhymed, I wouldn't know that."

They giggled.

"Well, time to go back."


They went back inside the house.

As Calli went back to her phone while Aki went to wash his hands, she told Aki something...out-of-the-ordinary.


"What is it?"

"Did you mess with my calendar before we went?"

"No. Why? What's the date?"

She showed Aki, and his eyes widened.

"September...9, 2020 1:02 PM?"

"Weren't we in the month of October?"

Calli started panicking.

I held her face and moved her hair.

"Look, Calli. Everything will be alright..."

"But still, how did this happen?" Aki thought.

"Do you have any explanation as to what could've happened?"

"I don't know..."

Aki then thought of something.

"Let's check the news."

He turned the TV on, and...they heard something interesting.

"There are more berserk people incidents in the streets. In Akihabara, there are 2 people that did this..." A female reporter said.

It showed pictures of claws on a car.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" Aki and Calli said.

"The only ones I know who could do that is my other reaper friends and Shinigami-sensei, but those are too perfect, big, and symmetrical to be scythe slashes!" Calli said.

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