That's what friends are for

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Not my art!

Trigger Warnings: Slight violence/ swearing

Six's POV:

     Seven and I walked further into the darkness unsure of where we were going. I'm honestly surprised Seven wanted me to come with him, I mean I tended to scare almost anything I encountered away. But I would make sure this time was different because Seven wasn't like the other kids I had met.. There was something about him that....

"Six? Are you ok?" I heard Seven ask snapping me out of my thoughts.

"What-? Uhm yea I'm fine." I awkwardly replied pulling my hoodie up further.

There was a long period of silence.

"So...How did you end up on the Maw? That is if you don't mind me asking-" Seven said attempting to create a conversation.

"Uh..Well I don't exactly know myself.." I replied somewhat truthfully.

Seven gave a hum in response.

"What about you?" I then asked.

"I was brought here by some guy in a boat. I don't remember the full details..I guess you could say I was kidnapped and brought here." Seven replied dully as I gave an "oh." in response. Just then I heard a faint noise from behind us. I held out my arm in front of Seven making him make an "oof" sound as I grabbed the lighter I had in my pocket and flicked it on. I scanned the area looking for what could have been the sound before something moving caught my eye. I looked over to see it was a leach... No not A leech A BUNCH of leeches that were quickly coming right at us.

"Seven. Run." I said sternly

"What why?" Seven said turning around to my direction, his eyes widening.

"SEVEN. RUN!" I yelled before we both broke into a sprint. We ran straight forward trying to find some sort of escape route before a ladder came into view.

"Get over and up that ladder!" I yelled. I looked to Seven's right to see a leech ready to pounce.

"Watch out!" I called stepping in front of Seven as the leech sank its teeth into my arm causing me to cry out in pain.

"Six!!" Seven cried out stopping.

"I'm right behind you Seven! Go to the ladder!" I Yelled as Seven nodded beginning to climb up. I then took my lighter and held it up to the leech making it let go of my arm screeching in paint. I took the chance to climb up the ladder as quickly as I could. Once I was close to the top Seven grabbed my good arm and helped me up. We both collapsed trying to catch our breath before I gripped my arm hissing in pain.

"Oh my God- your arm!" Seven pointed out the blood which was now on my raincoat and hand.

"Yea my arm." I repeated standing up and walking forward, deeper into the pipes we were now in.

"What are you doing? We need to treat your wound!" Seven exclaimed, catching up with me.

"OK WELL. Do you see a first aid kit anywhere???" I replied in a slightly annoyed tone. Why does he even care?

Seven's POV:

      "OK WELL. Do you see a first aid kit anywhere???" Six replied in a harsh tone. Damn this girl is sassy-

"Well. No. BUT you can't just walk around bleeding out. That's a pretty bad wound." I responded calmly.

"I can and I will." Six said ending the conversation.

I gave a quiet sigh to myself. Why won't this girl let me help her?

~Time skip~

The walk was mostly silent after that last conversation before I heard a "thud!" In front of me. I looked up to see Six out cold on the ground.

"Six?!" I whisper yelled, running up to her and kneeling down.

"Six.?" I said again earning nothing but a quiet snore. I was assuming she had passed out due to the loss of blood and from exhaustment. We had been walking for sometime now so it would make sense- Aw man what am I supposed to do now? I guess I'll have to carry her.. I thought to myself while putting Six on my back and hoisting her up. She was concerningly small and light for her age and it made me wonder.

"when was the last time this girl ate?"

I mean back when I was with the other kids the janitor fed us. It wasn't a lot but at least it was something, but Six.. She had been alone for God knows how long. Is that why she felt she couldn't ask for help? Because she was used to dealing with problems alone?

~Another time skip cuz im lazy~

It had been about what assumed an and hour sense Six had passed out. I had found a little latch that the nomes used to travel around and went in it with Six still on my back. There I discovered a little room with an already lit lantern and a single blanket. I layed out the blanket before carefully placing Six on it. I then shuffled through my pocket before pulling out a small roll of bandages which I had stolen from the Janitor in case of an emergency. Once I had wrapped Six's arm up in them I sat down next to her leaning my back against the cold wall.

"WHO ARE YOU???" Six suddenly yelled jolting up in a defence position making me jump.

"Whoa whoa Six it's ok! You're ok." I said lowering us both back down to the ground.

"Oh Seven. Sorry about that- wait.. WHERE ARE WE!??" Six yelled once more looking around. I guess that nap really gave her a boost of energy.

"SIX CALM DOWN- Well to put it short. You passed out, I carried you on my back, found this little hideout place and decided to take a break here. Oh also I wrapped your arm up." I said bluntly

"Ohh ok that makes sense. Thanks for well- pretty much everything you've done so far." Six said letting out a small laugh making me smile.

"No problem! That's what friends are for after all!" I said smiling at Six.

"Friends?" Six echoed

"Yea! Cause like you and I are friends-?" I replied slightly confused.

"We are!?" Six asked, almost jumping up from her sitting spot.

"Six you dummy! Of course we are!!" I chucked ruffling her hair which she accepted and let me do.

"Wow I've never had a friend before." Six said smiling ear to ear.

"Then I'll be your first!" I exclaimed.
Word Count: 1095

Wow I haven't written for a while- uh sorry about that, I have been super busy. 😅 Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and if you did don't forget to vote or leave a comment! Love ya'll!
-Custard 💖

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