Who Are You?

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(Not my art)

Trigger Warnings: Slight Violence (is that a TW? Lmao)

Six's POV:

Run. That's all I could do as I dashed down the empty hallway. Shooting my head back momentarily I saw that the geisha was still chasing me. I didn't know why she was chasing me or anything about her, all I could think about was getting away. I suddenly tripped over what I assumed was a popped up board as I crashed to the floor with a loud thud. I tried to get back up but I couldn't move... I looked around to see what looked like black fog surrounding me as I was lifted up off the ground and met with the lady's face. I tried to scream for help but soon realized I was struggling for air... Then everything went black.


    "GASP" I said, waking up in a cold sweat. I looked around trying to figure out my surroundings before I let out a shaky breath.

"Just another nightmare.." I mumbled to myself getting out of the large suitcase which I had claimed as "my bed" since I had seen nobody else around these areas. Honestly I haven't seen anybody in a while, I had lost track of what time/day it was a long time ago and mostly just focused on keeping myself alive. I had barely any memories left because of being stuck on this boat for so long. I rummaged through the suitcase before feeling a cold smooth surface touch my fingertips.

"There it is!" I thought to myself before pulling out the lighter and flicking it on. I smiled to myself, for some reason I was fascinated by this object. The way the flame flickered and swayed in the air as if it was dancing and how the cool surface felt against my fingers. I closed it before walking to only God knows where.

"I'm in the mood to explore so why not walk this way?" I convinced myself walking further and further to my unknown destination.

Seven's POV:

I had managed to sneak past the Janitor and was currently climbing down a makeshift ladder which I had made out of bed sheets. Once I hit the bottom I made my way over to a little opening that was in the wall which I assume the gnomes use to travel around. When I entered I was met with nothing but an empty room. Sure there were some empty crates in the corner but nothing particularly interesting.

"Come on.. I didn't escape from the Janitor for this-" I started to say before I fell down a hole that I hadn't seen on the ground. I bumped against pipes while screaming like a girl before I finally fell onto flat ground. I must've bumped my head on the way down because my vision was really blurry and I had landed in some type of.. Goo.?  I got up and tried looking around but my eyes couldn't focus, that's when I felt a sharp pain in my leg as I looked down to see a leach clinging on, teeth digging into my skin. I was in full panic mode and had no idea what to do. All I had was my flashlight and my vision was getting darker and darker as I collapsed onto the ground... The last thing I saw was a figure wearing a raincoat running towards me..

~Time Skip~   

I woke with a huge headache as I sat up to see that I was in a super big suitcase.

"Oh you're up." a female voice spoke with an emotionless tone.

"Huh-?" I huffed looking over to see a girl in a yellow raincoat shining my flashlight on and off at the ground. I quickly snatched my flashlight from her hands and turned it off while pointing it at her.

"Excuse me but just who are you and where am I?"  I asked, trying to sound intimidating but miserably failing.

"Whoa ok first I'm Six and second you need to calm down before you pass out again." Six said standing up and lowering my arm so I wasn't pointing at her. Now that Six was up I could see that she had blackish brown hair that covered her eyes only allowing me to see her mouth and nose. Her hoodie was also up, making her face almost anonymous. 

"Where am I?" I asked again, taking a step back for precaution.

"You're in my room." Six answered, doing air quotes.

I looked around, there was the giant suitcase which had blankets neatly folded in it, a small lantern and a few drawings on the wall which I assume Six did for decoration.

"Your room is pretty nice compared to the rest of the Maw." I complimented

"Thanks." Six said so quietly, I almost didn't hear.

We both stood there silent for a few minutes.

"Sorry for keeping you here.. I just haven't talked to someone in a while. Also I couldn't just leave while you were pretty much getting eaten by a leach." Six said finally breaking the silence while pointing at my leg which was now wrapped in a bandage.

"Oh no, no it's fine! Thank you for.. Well saving me. I guess I owe you one now-" I replied shaking my hands in the air.

"Oh you don't owe me anything it was really no problem.!" Six said fiddling with her hands.

I sat there staring at the ground.

"What should I do?? I kinda like this girl and I don't just wanna leave her here alone.." I thought before an Idea sprung into my head.

"Hey Six I know we just met and this is really sudden but.. I'm trying to escape the Maw and I was wondering if you wanna come with me? I know you have no right to trust me but ya know.." I started to say, kinda lost for words.

"Really? You want me to come.?" Six asked hesitantly.

"Yes I do!" I said confidently, smiling at her.

"Alright.. Why not!" Six said slightly hopping as she smiled back at me.

       And like that we began our journey.


Word count: 1020

Ya first chapter! lol. Uh if you enjoyed this don't forget to vote for it or even leave a comment! Kk Bai my lovely readers! (also I haven't edited this yet-)

-Custard 💖

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