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Hello! How are you? Thanks for reading this story, I really appreciate that!

So, my name is Marie, Max is my nickname, but you can call me Tommy, Danny or Max

So, here's the thing,I've seen a lot of comments correcting or making fun of my spelling, and that is because, I'M NOT A NATIVE ENGLISH SPEAKER, I'm Spanish, and well, that's my principal language. That is also why I use dashes instead of quotations in the dialogues, or use different words, in fact, the most of my stories are in Spanish!

I want to say, that I am fluent in English, I received education to speak it technically since I was born, but as I said, I am not native and I'm not perfect, but I try to do my best, perhaps, I didn't thought this story would have so many reads

With that said, you can ask me any question you want ------>

I hope you are enjoying the story, if you have any petitions or recommendations, leave it here ----->

Well! Goodbye, I'm Max and it's late, so I'm going to sleep and publish a new chapter tomorrow, bye!

Red and White (TommyInnit x reader)✔️Where stories live. Discover now