Part 34

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We were together again, hugging, loving each other. I met Tubbo as well and hugged him too, he's cuter in real life. Later that day, we went together to a café and we talked about life, about our twitch, how everything was recently, and it was really entertaining. After a few hours, we went to Wilbur's house and streamed for a while

-Chaatt! Hello!!!- I yelled at the camera and smiled with excitement 

-We're finally streaming together!!- Said Tubbo with the same level of energy

-i decided to come visit them- I hugged Tommy

-How long is Y/N staying? You look so cute together- A donation said

-I don't know, a week? or so? I don't know, all I know is I'm back!-

We did a lot of stuff, played some games, Q&A, talked with chat, and when it was already night we stopped

-Do you guys know where I can stay?- I asked picking up my stuff

-You can stay here if you want to- Wilbur offered me

-Are you sure? I don't want to be a pain in the ass for anybody-

-Oh no! It's lovely to have you here-

-Then I'll see you tomorrow- Tom kissed me -Take care of her, Will-

-I will-

-Goodbye Y/N, see you!- Tubbo hugged me and then went outside with Tommy

-Good night guys, see you tomorrow!- I closed the door and then sat down in the living room with my phone

-I'm going to prepare your bed...Uh, do you want to eat something?- Wilbur asked me before going to the other room

-No, thanks, I'm fine!-


I texted my mom for good night and then checked my social media, after I finish, I went to the room were Wilbur was

-Your bed is ready!-

-Thank you Will... Are you going to bed now?-

-Yes, i'm tired...And you? If you need anything, wake me up-

-Thanks Will, good night- I hugged him and went to my room

Today was beautiful, I was so happy, and seeing them was great, and maybe Wilbur is right...Why don't I stay?

Oh my god, I have to stop agreeing with anything my random boy friends say

Red and White (TommyInnit x reader)✔️Where stories live. Discover now