A New Begining

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I ran as fast as my legs could go, adrenaline pumping through my body, trying to get away from the creature that was barreling towards me. No matter how fast I ran the creature was always right there behind me, it was as if it was playing with me. When I would slow down it would too, when I would sped up it would speed up right behind me. My breath was coming in and out roughly, I was getting tired. My feet were becoming unstable and I tripped on an unseen tree root laying beneath the thick fog, that was settled on the floor of the forest. As gravity drug me towards the earth I could feel the fear running through my veins. I landed on the dirt with a loud 'THUMP!', and rolled on my back to see the large creature standing over me. I barely had time to scream before its head shot towards me with its mouth open, showing a set of large dagger like teeth.

I was awoken from the horrible dream by my car driving over a large bump in the road. That dream, I had been having the same one over and over again. It always started with me running through the woods and ended with me waking up before the creature could devour me. Was it supposed to mean something? I looked out the window of our small blue Toyota Benz, thinking about the dream, until I remembered that I was moving to a new house.

I'm Konani Annora Parker, but my friends call me Noni. I'm forced to move 1,138 miles from my beautiful luxurious home in California, to a little creepy town called Deadwood in South Dakota. All because my mom and dad found out about a strange little plant. You see their both botanists, and when they find something new they just have to study it, even if it's in some small town with some creepy name and a completely different climate than California. I'm gonna love this place! Note the heavy sarcasm.

Seriously, do you even know how hard I worked to get the five friends I have at the high school I've been going to for a year in California? Even though it's only been a year it was still extremely hard. You see I'm the kind of kid that sits in the back of the classroom and never raises their hand, the kid who is too shy to talk in front of the class, the one who would rather be curled up with a book than outside. If you haven't guessed, a person like that doesn't make friends very easily, and now I have to start the whole process over again.

Our small car pulled up to a huge two story house, which dwarfed the car in size and in beauty. While the car was small and beaten down the house stood strong with light brown wood walls and a darker brown shingled roof, but what stood out to me the most was the big red double door. It was the brightest aspect of the house, nobody could miss it. All of my negative thoughts I had before were washed away by my awe of the house, but it all came flooding back when I realized that I would never go back to my warm bright home in California. I slowly got out of the car and stood on the driveway, I took a long look at the house, and breathed a heavy sigh.
"Come on Konani, this will be a new beginning for us." My mom told me reassuringly while giving me a warm hug.

"Yah sure, if that means a new beginning is being ripped away from your old life and thrown into a whole new world then I don't want any part of it." I snapped and pushed away from the warm hug. I grabbed my belongings and headed to the house to choose a room, leaving behind a shocked mom. You see I have never been one to argue with or disobey my parents, but this whole moving thing has brought out the worst in me.

I walked into the house and was blasted with warm air, and considering that the November weather here was freezing, it felt really good. I was amazed at what I saw, I stepped into a large room that had a beautiful crystal chandelier hanging from the ceiling, illuminating two grand sets of stairs leading to the second level. And I thought that the outside of the house was huge. I starred in awe once again at the beauty of the house until my father walked in carrying three large boxes. I dropped the few boxes and suitcase, that held my belongings, and quickly walked over to my father and took the largest box.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2015 ⏰

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