For One More Day

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For one more day will you smile,

Like the day you were  describe as a sunshine.

For one more day will you care,

And make your feelings clear and bare.

For one more day can you make the pain go away,

Like how the way you fixed me, like it happened yesterday.

Can you make my aching heart stop,

For I am about to drop

Can you free me from agony,

So I can bloom like a lily.

Can you stay so I would have the reason to not go,

And stop letting me go.

For one more day can we pretend that we're alright,

For I still can see your eyes that aren't so bright

For one more day can we profess that we still are the same,

Because the pain is changing me, a matter of time it wouldn't be the same.

Can you stop the presentiment,

And stay with me for a moment

For one more day can we pretend like nothing happened so I can pretend that  it doesn't hurt,

For my heart is aching and my tears are about to burst.

So can we pretend?


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