When To End

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I don't know when this happened,

But all I can say that my emotions were blend

Thinking when could this end,

So I could stop emphasizing myself to the word pretend

I don't know where I found this friend,

She's called depression,

She's giving me an intense tension,

Of dying, I don't want to keep lying.

I don't want to end up crying,

For the lie I shared,

Even though no one actually cared.

She was lying the whole moment,

She said I could be happy,

Yet everyday I always ended-up being gloomy,

Mere amount of people understand me,

Only half of it can appreciate me.

I tried to change,

But how could I change, when my feelings are caged,

When my happiness are jailed.

I failed,

I told myself to make my life a tale, where I'm happy and free.

But Irony happened, I'm in agony and I can't shout my heart out.

My mind blackout, I can't make my happy self out, I wasn't free

My mouth were shut, my expressions were fake.

But I still can take it,

I still can make it,

I still can keep faking it.


To every person who keeps faking almost everything,

I understand

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