Chapter 1: Nyehehe!

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  A small explosion sounded throughout the park. And the cause was an ash blond kid named Katsuki Bakugo. A little girl with orange hair was sent to the ground because of it. "Heh," the little brat said, his red eyes glistening, "Wow. Of all the quirks out there, you got one that lets you make your hands bigger? What a terrible quirk!" The small girl started to tear up.

  "Stop! Please! You're being *sniff* very mean!"

   "Pfft," Katsuki said, punhing his palm while he caused an explosion in it, "I don't let weak people like you in my park. Your power is useless! You might even be worse than Deku!! And he hasn't even gotten his quirk!" He started small explosions in his hands. POP! POPOPOP! POPO-POPOPOP!

  "Now, I'm gonna make sure you never come back here!" Katsuki ran at her, smoke coming off of his hand. Then, when he was about a foot away from her, a small wall of bones about his height popped up and took the hit. Then, a kid ran into the smoke.

  "Huh?!" Katsuki yelled, "Who the heck dared to block my blast!?!" Then, the smoke cleared, and the wall of bones sunk into the ground, revealing a kid the same age as Katsuki, who had green hair and freckles.

  "Stop hurting her, Kacchan! Or I, the Great Dekiru, will be forced to stop you!!" He shouted, full of confidence, and a bright smile on his face. "Pfft, what can you do Deku?" Katsuki or 'Kacchan' replied, and a small bone shot out of the ground and into Deku's hand. "I'll show you what I can do! I've practiced my patterns!!" 'Huh!? Patterns?!?' Kacchan thought, and a small wall of bones, about knee height, popped out of the ground. Then, it shot forward, at about the speed of a little kid who just chugged a bottle of Mountain Dew running. Kacchan dodged to the side.

  "Tch, whatever," Kacchan said, "Izuku Midoriya. Your quirk is pretty cool. Almost as cool as mine. Maybe you get that nickname you called yourself. I'm outta here." Then, Kacchan and the two kids with him left.

  "W-Who are you??" The little girl behind him asked, a small blush on her face. She was honestly impressed by his skills. Dekiru turned around, bearing a huge grin, resembling a great hero, All Might's. "My name's Izuku Midoriya! But you can call me Dekiru!" "W-Well," the girl said, looking down, "I-I'm Itsuka Kendo. W-Wanna be f-friends?" "Sure!" Dekiru shouted, exited, "I, the Great Dekiru, shall be friends with you!" Then, they played together until Itsuka's parents came to pick her up.


  Many years later, Itsuka and Izuku are in their 1rst year of Junior High, and they've added a couple more people to their friend group, Yui Kodai and Neito Monoma. They often hung out at cafes and such. It was around this time Itsuka started to realize she felt weird around Izuku. However, she couldn't put her finger on what the feeling was.


  Two years after then, Izuku and Itsuka were training for the U.A entrance exams in a couple of months. Izuku sent a couple of his bone patterns at Itsuka, who dodged them flawlessly. "Now then," Dekiru shouted, "Prepare for.................

  My blue attack!"

  Suddenly, blue bones started to fly to Itsuka, who just stood still. All the bones went right through her. 'I know how his blue bones work like the back of my hand.' Then, the blue bones passed. Then, an orange-yellow heart appeared on Itsuka's chest, and it turned blue. Suddenly, Itsuka's body and clothes gaied a blue tone. It felt as if she had fifty pounds on her back. Then, a small bone came at her, and whacked her in the shin. "You're blue now! That's my attack!" Izuku shouted, before giving his signature laugh, "Nyehehehehehehehe!!"

  'It's difficult to move.' Kendo thought, 'But I can.' She enlarged her and, and ran at Izuku, who blocked the attack with a fairly large bone wall. Izuku and Itsuka trained with turn-based combat. Izuku would send paterns of his bones at her, and she would dodge and after he was done, attack. So, Izuku sent complex structures of normal and blue bones. Finally, after a couple of turns, Izuku actually dodged her attack instead of blocking. He stood still. A grin snuck up his face.

  "Now then, Itsuka," he said, raising his hand to the sky, "Prepare for...... my special attack!!" A huge ball of green fire appeared in the sky, and a skeletal structure abrorbed it. It looked similar to a dragon's skull.

 It opened its mouth, and fired a green lazer from its mouth

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It opened its mouth, and fired a green lazer from its mouth. Itsuka tried to dodged, however, the shoulder of her shirt was burnt off. A huge green explosion was caused by the blaster. "Itsuka!!" Dekiru screamed, rushing towards her, "Are you okay?? I'm so so so so so sorry, I didn't know it would do that!"

  "I-It's all right, I'm fine," she said, getting up. "I should be more careful next time," Izuku mumbled to himself, "Someone could get hurt." 'He's so considerate about others, even though he's super strong. That's one of the things I love about Izuku.' She thought. She accepted that she had a crush on Izuku a year and a half ago. She found herself blushing at evry cool pose or move he made. He was just... so cool! Itsuka looked down at her shirt. "Well, my shirt isn't," she chuckled. "That it sure isn't."

  They started to walk home, their houses being pretty close to each other. Itsuka decided it might be time to start to push for a more romantic relationship with Izuku. "D-Dekiru," she asked, "We're pretty close, right?" "Of course, Itsuka," Izuku replied, "You're my best friend."

"best friend."

"best friend."

"best friend."

"best friend."

These words seemed to echo in Itsuka's heart, soul, and mind. "O-Ok," she said, trying to hide her dissapointment in being friendzoned, "J-Just making sure." The rest of the walk home was kinda awkward in Itsuka's opinion. However, for Izuku, it was just fine.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2020 ⏰

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