"A break in the case"

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A man in an unmarked, government vehicle picked up his radio

"This is Samuels"

"We might have beat on that Palm ave. case"

"What you got?"

"A couple of boots might've found a witness while they were canvasing"

Yes! Thought Samuels to himself. His unit was behind others in the department. There have been 3 homicides in that area this year and none of them have been solved. But it wasn't just the murders, his unit has the fewest arrests, tickets and cases solved. He needed this win, or he could forget about ever moving up in the department.

"Who is it?" asked Samuels

"Some kid that lived in the area. He was seen in the area around the time of the shooting. He might've seen something." Said Detective Gates, Samuels second in command. "His name is Chris Staples. But they call him KO. He works at Amazon"

"Is he there, now?" asked Samuels


"Ok. I'm going to go get him now"

Sergeant Walter Samuels has been a part of various police departments throughout the county for 18 years. He worked his way up the ranks and has been leading his own unit for the past 3 years. This year has been the toughest. The pandemic changed the way he had to police. It's difficult for him to maintain law and order at a social distance. People are less inclined to talk to anyone, let alone a cop, due to fears of the virus. Samuels didn't take the pandemic seriously until two of his detectives caught it and spent the better part of a month in Loma Linda Hospital. They still haven't been cleared for full duty and have been on the mend for the past month. Crime in the area has gone up and down but being shorthanded has his units' stats stagnate. Solving this homicide could add one to the win column that is desperately needed. Especially if Samuels want to apply for the upcoming captain's position.

Upon arriving to the warehouse Samuels was greeted by security

"Hello. I'm Sgt. Walter Samuels with Highland City PD. I'm here to speak with one of your employees." Said Samuels showing the security guard his badge.

"Hello. Before you do anything sir, you're going to need to put on a mask." Said the security guard

Samuels is still getting used to Covid protocols. He's used to doing things his way. But the department mandated that officers wear masks since it got sued by someone who allegedly caught it from someone in his unit and sued.

"Sorry about that" said Samuel's in a faux-contrite tone.

He went back to his cruiser and got a disposable mask that he got from the PD and went back to the guard booth.

"I need to speak to Christopher Staples"

"Since the pandemic we can't have non-employees in the warehouse, but you can speak to our supervisor on the phone. Once you tell her everything, I'm sure she'll help you." Said the security guard as he handed Samuels a card with a name and number on it.

"Maybe you don't understand. This is in regard to a murder case. I need to speak with one of your employees" said Samuels with a stern tone

"I understand, sir. But I have to follow the rules, or I can lose my job. We have a zero-tolerance policy when it comes to people entering the site."

"Ok" said Samuels with an angry grin

2020 has been a bizarre year to say the least. The simple act of speaking to someone is now a complete ordeal. Before, a badge flash would get you anywhere. Now with half of the population at home with nothing to do, a wrong reaction to a situation caught on a cell phone video can ruin someones life.

Samuels did what he was instructed to do and called the number on the card. He spoke with the site manager and explained the situation. She agreed and said that she will have Chris meet him near the guard station

After about 10 minutes a young, tall, dark-skinned black male of medium build walked out of the warehouse wearing an orange safety vest, work clothes and boots and a black face mask.

"Are you Samuels?" said the young man

"Are you Christopher Staples?" asked Sgt. Samuels

"Yes. I'm Chris" Said Chris

"And do you stay off of Palm ave. in Highland?"


"Ok. I'm going to need you to come with me down to the station. We have a few questions for you"

"Right now?"

"Yes. Now."

"Hold on, what's this about?"

"Mr. Staples this is in regard to the homicide that happened in your neighborhood. So I'm going to need you to come down to the PD immediately"

Samuels began to motion to grab Chris by the arm. Chris shirked his gesture

"Am I under arrest?" said Chris in a stern voice

"What?" said a slightly angered Samuels

"Am I under arrest?" said Chris looking Samuels dead in his eyes

"No. You're not under arrest"

"Well if I'm not under arrest than you have a good day, officer" said Chris looking at were Samuels grabbed his arm. "I need to get back to work. But I can tell you now. I don't know anything about the murder from my neighborhood"

"It's Sergeant, and this will go a lot easier if you just cooperate. I'll talk to your boss, so you won't lose pay. It's a police matter"

"You can give me a weeks' pay and I still wouldn't come down there. Have a good day, Sergeant"

Chris turned and reentered the warehouse. 

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