"New Strategy"

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Samuels was a bit irritated. He's not used to being held up during an investigation. But policing has changed in 2020. Where he was once able to bring anyone in, no questions asked, now he has to follow all the proper procedures to go about a case. His captain had made sure of it. The coupling of a global pandemic and civil unrest had a direct impact on policing. One that Sgt. Samuels was reticent to adapt to.

Samuels made a phone call

"Gates. The kid is making this hard. Where does he stay? He's young. I'm pretty sure he's still lives with his mother. Text me the address. With everything going on, I'm sure she's home."


Samuels pulled in to a somewhat rundown, townhouse community. Most of the houses had bars on the windows and security doors. Chris staples house was on a corner unit.

Samuels knocked on the door.

"Just a minute" said a voice behind the door.

A black woman, with medium height and build opened the door but not the screen security door, wearing a disposable face mask.

Upon seeing the woman wearing a mask, Samuels took his out of his pocket and put it on.

"Hello, are you Louise Staples?" asked Samuels

"Louise Hart. I've been divorced for a while now but for some reason my maiden name is still on a bunch of legal documents." Said Louise

"My apologies. Louise Hart. I'm Sergeant Walt Samuels of the Highland City Police Department" said Samuels as he flashed his badge. "I'm coming here today in regard to the shooting that took place last week. Do you remember it?"

"Yes. A shooting isn't exactly new for this neighborhood, but it has been better or a while. Such a shame that somebody ruined that over what I'm sure is some nonsense" said Louise

"That's why I'm here ma'am. I'm working the case to catch who committed the murder."

"I figured Sargent, but I'm sorry. I don't have any information that would help you"

"You may not but we think your son might"

"Chris? What do you think Chris knows about the shooting?"

"While talking to your neighbors we found out that Chris was in the area during the shooting. Over near pacific st."

"I know he jogs over there sometimes, but he didn't tell me that he saw anything."

"He probably didn't want to worry you. But we think he can help us find the shooter"

"Well, he's at work Sergeant. But when he gets home, I will ask him."

"I did. I went down to his job and asked him, but he was... uncooperative"

"What do you mean, uncooperative?"

"He didn't want to talk to us"

"He didn't?"

"No, ma'am"

"Oh. Ok. Have a good day" said Louise as she began to close the door

"Hold on! Wait!" yelled Samuels "Can you please talk to your son"

"Chris is an adult now. He works full time and goes to school full time. If he doesn't want to talk to you then there isn't anything I can do" said Louise as she began to again shut the door.

"Louise!" yelled Samuels

"Sergeant, I can't help you!" said Louise emphatically "Now please excuse me. Lunch time is almost over and I have to finish teaching my Zoom class"

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